017┆chapter seventeen

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seventeen.        rebreaking

▬▬ CASSIE'S FINGER'S DRUMMED against the steering wheel as she sped down the road, her eyes on the black pavement as she pushed harder on the gas pedal. Next to her, Emily was holding onto anything she could wrap her fingers around as Cassie changed lanes and flew around a car that had been going particularly slow. Well, slow as in slower then Cassie was going.

"Cassie, maybe you should slow down." The older woman told her, but the teenager didn't seem to hear her as she turned down the dirt road that went right to Jacob's house. The truck slid across the mud, but Cassie let off the gas long enough for the tires to gain traction then she was going again, and she didn't let off the gas until she was in the yard. The brakes whined and everyone looked over at the truck as Cassie jumped out, she had shoved the gear into park but she left the keys on the ignition and the truck running. Emily reached over, letting out a breath as she turned the truck off and pulled the keys from the ignition.

"Where-" Cassie flinched as a scream echoed out of the small house, taking a step back as her eyes watered and her hands shook at her sides.

"Hey, baby." Paul made his way over to her and she looked up at him, her eyes brimming with tears.

"What happened?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"It was an accident, he was helping Leah." He told her, pushing her hair out of her face before using his thumbs to wipe away the tears that had slid down her cheeks.

"I didn't need-" Leah was silenced with a look from Jared, Paul and even Billy, she rolled her eyes, shifting on her feet as she looked at the dirt below her. She knew it wasn't the right moment, but she did think she had it and maybe she felt a little guilty.

"How-" Cassie took a breath. "How is he?"

"It's not good." Paul gave her a weak smile and she closed her eyes, trying to stop the tears as she ducked her head and leaned against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, one firmly on the small of back as the other smoothed over her hair.

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