Chapter 1

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It took Stiles about a week to figure out that he shared his apartment building with someone who very well may be the hottest man he's ever seen. It then took about three weeks to narrow down which of the possible six floors he lives on. (Stiles is pretty sure it's either the fourth or sixth because Stiles lives on the fifth and sometimes Hot Guy gets off the elevator before him, but sometimes he stays after Stiles gets out.) After that it takes another week to figure out that the guy works as an EMT because he's in the elevator wearing his tight uniform and Stiles didn't think it was possible for the guy to look hotter, but it is totally possible. (Don't ask Stiles why he thinks men in uniforms are hot, it does not have anything to do with his dad being a Sheriff, okay?) The blue shirt looks like it's about two sizes too small on him because the buttons are just barely holding around his pecs, and Stiles purposefully waves for the hot guy to exit the elevator first when they're at the ground level just so he can stay to check out Hot Guy's ass in those slacks.

The man is always... well Stiles wouldn't say friendly because that's not true, but he at least gives Stiles a nod of acknowledgment when they end up sharing the elevator together. It takes Stiles another week after discovering Hot Guy is an EMT to get up the courage to actually speak to him, like actually ask him a question instead of mumbling a "good morning" or "afternoon" and give him a courteous smile as he joins him (or leaves him as the case may be) on the elevator. He thinks maybe he'll make a comment about being an EMT, asking him if he saved any cats; no wait, that's firemen isn't it? Maybe he'll ask him what the dumbest thing someone's done that has required his presence as an EMT. Actually, on second thought, maybe he shouldn't ask anything about being an EMT.

Of course Stiles is thinking all of this when he's waiting for the elevator to arrive on his floor. It's been incredibly slow lately, and he would just take the stairs to get some much needed exercise, but... Hot Guy. Plus, he has a lot of books for his dissertation research in his backpack that he doesn't want to lug down five flights of stairs. Second floor maybe. Fifth? No way.

The elevator chimes, and the doors slowly open to reveal Hot Guy in what looks to be an EMT T-shirt (so not the tight uniform) and some veryfitted jeans. Stiles figures it's as good a time as any, and gives the guy a wide grin as he steps into the elevator. He moves to stand next to the man, who shuffles to the side so that the both of them have a nice bubble of space between them. Neither of them move to push the button, the first floor button already lit up, so the doors stay open for a few seconds more before gradually closing.

"So," Stiles says because he's got five floors to say something, and he better do it now, while he still has the nerve. "Having a good morning?"

The man tilts his head slightly in Stiles's direction and shrugs. Great.

Stiles sticks his hand out. "I'm Stiles, by the way. Figured we see each other often enough, maybe I should introduce myself?"

The man stares at his hand long enough that Stiles thinks maybe he should pull it back in, and retreat to the corner of the elevator, and take the stairs forever, his back muscles be damned. But, finally, the man accepts Stiles's hand and shakes it with his own.

"Derek," he says in a low gruff voice, like answering Stiles is the last thing he wanted to do, which it probably is.

"Nice to meet you, Derek," Stiles replies with a smile. Derek grunts. Stiles opens his mouth to ask another question, but the elevator chimes, letting them know they've arrived on the first floor. "After you," he says, bowing a little and gesturing toward the door.

Derek nods and steps out first, Stiles following shortly behind them. He ends up following Derek down to the parking garage, which is awkward since they're still close to each other, almost side by side, and really, Stiles could have asked another question and continued their conversation. But, it's too late now.

Stiles gets to his car first, and Derek strides past him. Before he's out of earshot, Stiles shouts, "Have a good day, Derek!" He's not really sure what possessed him to say it, maybe the vain hope that Derek would repeat the same sentiment to him.

Derek stops in his tracks and turns to face Stiles, his eyebrows scrunched together like he's confused, like he's never had someone tell him to have a good day before.

"Uh, you too?" Derek finally gets out, and Stiles barely utters "thanks" before Derek is quickly spinning around and speed walking to his shiny black Camaro.

Well, in the end, the important thing is now Stiles can stop calling him Hot Guy in his head and just call him Derek.

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