Chapter 3

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As it turns out, it's later. And when Stiles does run into him, Derek is the last person he wants to see.

"You called the ambulance?!" he shouts at the few people standing around him, one of which includes his friend Kira, the reason he's in this mess in his opinion.

"Stiles you fell into a manhole! What did you expect me to do, leave you?!" Kira shouts at him over the sounds of the sirens of the ambulance that just pulled up.

"Yes! No! I just... Ugh just please tell me one of the EMTs isn't muscular with greenish eyes and stubble and—"

"Looks kind of grumpy?" Kira supplies. She nods. "He's hot though."

Stiles groans both because of pain and embarrassment. He's currently straddling the sidewalk, his leg, which he's positive is broken, is stuck in the manhole up to his thigh, wedged between the cement and the cover that someone didn't replace properly. He could probably sue the city now that he thinks about it, although to be honest he really can't think about it too much because all that causes him to focus on is the agonizing pain.

"Try not to move," a blond curly-haired man in an EMT uniform says as he sets down his kit. "I'm Isaac, and you are?"

"Stiles?" Derek says, frowning with his brow furrowed. He stops pushing the gurney to stand next to Isaac.

"Ha ha... heyowwww... hey Derek," Stiles says sheepishly, his voice quivering, probably because of the pain. (That's what he's going with anyway).

"What happened?" Derek asks, kneeling down closer to Stiles. Isaac gives Derek a flat look.

"I was walking, and—"

"It was totally my fault," Kira chimes in, clearly upset. Well at least she knows she's to blame.

"I wasn't paying attention because Kira here called out my name at the same time I took a step and now I'm here. I don't think the cover had been replaced properly. I'm... I'm pretty sure my leg is broken though," he says it around a wince and Isaac and Derek both frown in sympathy.

"It might be," Isaac says. "We're going to have to get you out though to be sure. It... might hurt though, so be ready," Isaac says, his hands on the wedged manhole cover that's pinning Stiles's leg.

Derek takes a hold of Stiles's leg to try to steady it as best he can while Isaac pries the cover free. Stiles was embarrassed at first, but now he's kind of glad Derek's here. He doesn't know him incredibly well, but he still has this sense of being safe and the feeling that everything will be okay because Derek is with him.

When Isaac frees the cover, Stiles doubles over and moans in pain into Derek's back. The cover must have been acting as some kind of tourniquet, but now that he's free, the blood rushes to his leg and the pain is overwhelming.

"It's okay, I got you," Derek whispers as he picks Stiles up and carries him in his arms to the waiting gurney that Isaac holds steady. Isaac looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn't and watches Derek lower Stiles down.

Isaac has a splint ready and waiting, and as soon as Stiles is lying down, Isaac starts securing it around Stiles's leg. He has a few bags of ice as well that he sets gently on top of Stiles's leg, and then he and Derek start wheeling Stiles to the back of the ambulance. Stiles has just enough time to wave to Kira, who assures Stiles she'll see him at the hospital as she pushes through the crowd that's gathered around him.

Once inside, Derek stays in the back with Stiles, and Isaac hops around to the front to slide behind the wheel. Derek checks Stiles's vital signs, and Stiles would watch, but he kind of feels like he's about to pass out.

A Kiss and A Promise [Sterek/Teen Wolf]Where stories live. Discover now