Chapter 4

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They order Chinese food, and Derek doesn't let Stiles get up to do anything, forcing him to remain on the couch with his foot propped up on a pillow on the coffee table. If Stiles didn't absolutely love it, he'd yell at Derek to stop pampering him. But, as it is, he lets Derek take care of him, getting him refills, adjusting his pillow, reaching to get him a different takeout container to try, and when they've finished eating and are watching Netflix, he pulls Derek in closer to cuddle, which Derek does willingly.

They both doze off a little eventually, and when they wake up, Derek's head is resting in Stiles's lap, and Stiles is running his hands through his hair.

"I should probably get going," Derek says, slowly sitting up.

"What if I don't want you to?" Stiles asks with a pout.

Derek grins, and leans in close to place a soft kiss on Stiles's lips. "I'll be back tomorrow. Promise. I'll bring breakfast." He freezes, realizing what he's done, how casual it seemed, as if he kissed Stiles all the time even though this was their first kiss. He stares at Stiles, worry in his eyes, like he shouldn't have done it.

To reassure him that he's completely okay with this turn of events, Stiles pulls him back in for another kiss, this one deeper and open-mouthed, and Derek melts, relaxes, into the kiss. He nips at Derek's lip before he pulls back. "Okay," he says against Derek's lips.

"Okay," Derek says, kissing Stiles again, like he can't help himself. "See you tomorrow."

Stiles nods in reply, and they exchange goodnights before Derek shows himself out.

What started out as a pretty terrible day, ends up being kind of wonderful, and Stiles hopes the rest of his days end the same: with a kiss and a promise from Derek.

A Kiss and A Promise [Sterek/Teen Wolf]Where stories live. Discover now