Its ringing?

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I watch Finney jump with fright as he stares at the black phone on the wall.

"It doesn't work, I've tried it already." I assumed it would damper his mood, but he continues to stare at the phone in bewilderment. Without warning, Finney jumps off the bed and picks up the phone.

"Hello?" His voice is steady as he grips the phone so hard I see his knuckles turn white.

"I told you Finney, it doesn't work!"

"Who is this?" I watch as his face looks down.

"Lose where?" I'm only getting half of a nonexistent conversation, but I'm concerned by how Finney is acting.

"Bruce?" Now that name is familiar. He was the first kid who got taken. A small silence is accompanied by Finney nodding his head.

"Will we have enough time? Bruce? Bruce?" And with that, he puts the phone back on the receiver. Before I can question him, he grabs my hand and bring me to the space separating the room from the "bathroom". I watch has he gets on his knees and rips part of the tiles off.

"Help me." He looks up at me with a desperate look. I get on my knees too and give him a confused look.

"Start taking the tiles over here off and then we will start digging." How did he know this part of the floor was loose? Was he actually... talking to someone?

"How did you know someone was calling on the phone?" Finney pauses and gives me a weird look.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean what do I mean? How'd you know someone was calling?" I love the boy, but sometimes he drives me crazy. I mean like the boy. No, not like, I mean like, he's my friend and I like that he is my friend. Not that I like like him. Just friend. Friends.

"Because it was ringing?" Now it's my turn to be confused.

"No...? It wasn't?"

"You didn't... you didn't hear it?" Either I'm crazy, he's crazy, or some spooky shit is happening.

"Um... no." My mind is so overwhelmed at this point, I don't know what to believe. Maybe I did die last night.

Of course I'm feeling like absolute shit. 6 days in a disgusting basement with little food and water will do that to you. I've been sitting on the mattress staring at the door for what has to be over an hour now. I know it could be a trap, I may be stupid, but I'm not dumb.

The whole room was filled with darkness at this point. I'm being patient, waiting longer than I thought I could. This has to be perfect. If it is a trap he would've expected me to leave right away. To follow him, but no. I've waited, but nows the time.

I bend down and tighten my shoe laces, I need to be ready to run. As quiet as a mouse I open the door with a loud creek. Step by step I make my way up the stairs and open a second door. Peaking my head through the door I see him.

He's sitting in the middle of a kitchen shirtless. The mask is covering the lower half of his face with a terrifying frown. How many masks does this man have?

On one of the counters I see a knife, about 5 inches long. I grab the knife by the hilt and approach the man. I'll kill this fucker. Slit his throat before he can even wake up. As I approach him, fear fills my mind. Am I actually going to kill another human being? I've beat the shit out of a many people, but this... this is different. This is ending a man's life. But he deserves it. I should kill him... I should.

At a slow pace I get closer to the man, so close I can hear his quiet breaths. I bring the knife closer to his neck. Closer, closer, closer and....

I can't. I can't do this. I can't kill someone. Does this mean I'm weak? A bad person? I don't know, but I can't kill someone. I need to get the fuck out of here. I back away from the man and go passed him, turning my back from him. The room connected to this is a living room. It looked like a normal living room. I don't know why I expected, but not this.

Maybe knifes along the wall, a messy room with trash all over, blood covering the floor. My minds definitely getting the better of me. Logically, that wouldn't make sense. Why would he leave a bunch of evidence in his living room? What about maybe a surprise guest? Irregardless, the normalcy of the room throws me off. A tv, a small couch, coffee table, beige rug, everything was just... normal.

The door is what caught my attention though. A door. My way out of this place. Creeping towards the door I turn around and see the man still asleep. Opening the heavy wooden door, I see another door. Of course. A screen door. In the corner was a bike lock.

Why would he put a bike lock on his front door? Before I can even reach for the lock the sounds of a dog barking made me jump back against an end tabke, knocking a lamp to the floor. Then he was in front of me. With that belt.

—End of chapter four—

Authors note: I'm usually in italic at the end for authors note, but the whole flash back was in italics, so I guess it's normal text for y'all. So before I continue, I have a question for y'all. I can a) have them finish the story closer to how they have it in the movie for 4-5 more chapters or b) I can speed it up in the next 2 chapters and get them out of the house so we can get to the after math quicker. The after math will be there in both options, but in option b) they'd get there quicker. Aftermath would have them be more in relationship and dealing with PTSD and such. Let me know! :)

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