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"Bye guys. Bye dad. I'll miss you." I said as I hugged all my friends and family. My best friend,who was coming with us for obvious reasons which I will explain later, did the same and we got in the truck.

"Bye Susana bye Savina!" My friends and family yelled as we drove away and we all started crying.

Ok so let me catch you up. My name is Savina. It's pronounced how it looks like, except you say the E for the I part, SavEna basically. Anyway besides the point. My best friend has been living with me for 2 years now, we're both Mexican, and her family decided to go back. However, we literally chained ourselves to the tree in front of my old house and eventually they caved. But they still love us. We go and visit them often. Anyway....My mom and dad recently got a divorce. And my mom got a great job opportunity in New Jersey which is where we are headed right now. I'm gonna miss home... Oh crap here come the water works.
Ok I know it's short, BUT, I promise that my future chapters will be longer. So yeah.

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