chapter 3

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I walked beside Grayson as Susi started a conversation with Ethan. I just walked along not bothering to be social.

"Savina!! Do you have photos from homecoming?" Susi asked. I nodded and handed her my phone.

"See She's really good at doing hair. She's just lazy." Susi said.

"And doesn't see the point in damaging her hair." I added. "And who cares what my hair looks like?" I added.

"Me!" She said.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked changing the subject.

"Maze runner." She said and I smiled.
"Ok." I said and my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked not bothering to check who it was.

"Hey babe." I heard Michael on the the other end.

"I stopped being your babe a long fucking time ago you asshole." I said venom dripping from each word. Susi turned red with anger knowing who it was.

"We're not over until I say we are." He said.

"You thought! you fucking bastard. We broke up when you cheated. When you wasted my time. When you almost got my quince taken away. My dad still doesn't want to talk to me because of your fucking rumors. So no we end it when I say so baboso." I said.

"Babe I get that your insulting me but you turn me on when you talk in Spanish." He said.

"Michael your fucking disgusting. Call me again or bug me again and send JJ, Betito, Bradley, Armondo and Marely on your ass." I said.

"Fine. Gosh bye babe." He said.

"I'M NOT YOUR BABE!" I yelled into the phone and hung up.

"Well I didn't know you had that side to you." The twins said.

"I'm going home." I snapped and walked back no longer in the mood to go anywhere.
****Grayson's POV****

"Savina!! Do you have photos from homecoming?" Susi asked. She nodded and handed her the phone and we looked at the photos, both of them looking beautiful.

"See She's really good at doing hair. She's just lazy." Susi said.

"And doesn't see the point in damaging her hair." She added. "And who cares what my hair looks like?" She added.

"Me!" She said.

"What movie are we watching?" She asked changing the subject.

"Maze runner." She said and she smiled.
"Ok." She said and her phone rang.

"Hello?" She asked not bothering to check who it was.

"I stopped being your babe a long fucking time ago you asshole." She said venom dripping from each word. Susi turned red with anger knowing who it was. While Ethan and I were scared and confused.

"You thought! you fucking bastard. We broke up when you cheated. When you wasted my time. When you almost got my quince taken away. My dad still doesn't want to talk to me because of your fucking rumors. So no we end it when I say so baboso." She said.

"Michael your fucking disgusting. Call me again or bug me again and send JJ, Betito, Bradley, Armondo and Marely on your ass." She said. Who's Michael? Michael the two year old.

"I'M NOT YOUR BABE!" She yelled into the phone and hung up.

"Well I didn't know you had that side to you." Ethan and I said.

"I'm going home." She snapped and walked back no longer in the mood to go anywhere. I walked with her as she stormed into her house and straight to her kitchen, grabbed a pint of ice cream two spoons and went to her room.

I walked in and she was on her terrace, on a bungee chair eating ice cream. I sat down next to her and she handed me a spoon while we just sat there eating from the tub.

"Sorry you had to hear that." She said and I put my arm around her.

"Its ok. I just didn't know you had it in you." I said.

"Just be patient with me, I'm actually a very loud person." She said putting her head on my shoulder and eating the ice cream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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