chapter 2

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I quickly got dressed and put my shoes on. I put some eyeliner, and lipstick on and my headband and ring with a picture of me and Kyle in it. I put my bracelet on, put on my belt and grabbed my backpack and ran out the door. Then ran back in.


"Ok. Gosh."she said coming downstairs dressed to impress.

"Let's go!" I said and ran outside.

"WAIT WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!" She yelled as I got on my long board and gathering my dress at my side to keep it from flashing people. Then I pushed off and towards the school. Then Susi caught up on her bike.

"Why didn't you get dressed up?"She asked.

"You said to put a dress on. Did I? Yes! So shush!" I said and got off my long board and walking into the building. I went into the office and waited for Susi. We grabbed our schedules and locker numbers and combinations. We were about six lockers away from each other.

"Hi, I'm Ethan,this is Grayson. We're supposed to show yo- oh hey guys!" Ethan said walking up to us with Grayson.

"Hey!" We said at the same time.

"So Savina! I'm sure you want to unpack your locker, Ethan! Can you take me to my class! Yeah great let's go!" She said and pushed him away.

"WAIT! SUSANA TU SABES QUE NO SE COMO HABLAR CON NIÑOS!" (You know I don't know how to talk to guys) I called after her in Spainish.

"HAVE FUN!" She called back.

"Um I'm just gonna...Um yeah.." I said and put my stuff in my locker. While Grayson chuckled. "What?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing. You stutter a lot it's cute." He smiled looking at me. I felt myself blush and turned back to my locker.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Its fine." I smiled. I put my schedule in the front of my homework folder. "Chemistry." I mumbled and got on toes and grabbed my binder.

"So we've hung out a few times. How come your so shy now?" He asked.

"I guess cause Susana isn't here. She makes me feel more...confident." I shrugged kept trying to reach the binder. "How did I even get this up here?" I asked.

"Here." He said giving it to me after watching me try and fail to grab a binder......

"Thanks"I smiled. He nodded and I got on my knees and grabbed a pencil.

"What about your room?" He asked.

" I knew she was outside the door the entire time. And right now....she's around the corner." I whispered. Watch this. I mouthed.

"Ahh Grayson." I said and bit my lip to try and not laugh as Susi ran out and tackled Grayson.

"Oh... Hey guys." She smiled. I waved and watched her walk away before laughing. Grayson couldn't stand up because he was laughing.
**10 minutes later***
"Hi Mr.Burke. Sorry we're late. She's new." Grayson said handing the teacher the note we got from the office lady.

"Ok take a seat Grayson, and....Sabrina?" He said.

"Its Savina...." I said awkwardly and sat down in between Grayson and Susi.

"Right sorry." He said. Then susi put a not on my desk when he turned around.

I'm choosing what you wearing tomorrow.she wrote.

Hell no. I wrote back.
"No she's actually a really brave person." Susi said while I gave a what the Fuck are you talking about? Look.

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