Chapter One

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I woke up as my mom came to sudden stop. I looked around and saw she was turning into a Starbucks. I rubbed my eyes and combed my hands through my wavy-curly hair. I put on some lip balm and put my shoes back on. My mom stopped and I woke Susana up. I ordered my usual and bought a cookie. I found a table and put my head down as my mom sat down with me and Susana argued with guy up front for messing up her order and he was trying to make her pay for the new one.

"DUDE YOU MESSED UP! JUST GROW A PAIR ADMIT TO IT AND GIVE HER THE DAMN DRINK CAUSE SHE ISN'T GONNA STOP!" I snapped. He,looked frightened and gave her the drink and a free cake pop and we went to my new house.
********30 minutes later************

"It's huge!" Me and Susana said at the same time as we got out. The moving truck was backing out and away from our house as mom went to say thanks to the guys that moved all our furniture to our house. Susi (Susana) grabbed her purple luggage bags and I grabbed my blue trolley luggage bags and my backpack. I then opened the trunk of the truck and took out the top part thing that kept it from getting wet. And hopped up I handed my mom's luggage to Susi and my mom came over and took them from her as I jumped off. I put the top thing back on and went to the back seat where I was sitting was my three dogs, my boxer,Bubba, and my two Pittbuls, Rosey and Ross they're all puppies. I pet them each and made kissing noises making them wag their tails and come closer to me. I set them on the ground and picked up the dog beds. I grabbed the bags that had all the dog food and stuff and handed it to my mom. I I grabbed my bags ands the dogs ran ahead stopping every now and then to make sure I was still there and they were going in the right direction. I opened the door and they ran in and jumped on the couch. I walked upstairs and looked for my room. I found my mom putting all the dogs stuff in there and I realized that was my room. I put my bags on my bed and pulled out my clothes and began putting then in drawers and on hangers. I put them in my closet and put the luggage bags in my closet under my shoe shelf. I put up all my trophies and tiaras and photos. I put my perfumes and stuff on my vanity and everything else was already done for me. I flipped myself on my bed and was ready for a nap.

"SAVINA!!! IT'S TIME TO GIVE OUT THE PASTRIES!!!" Susi screamed walking into my room to find me under my covers surrounded by pillows. I groaned and rolled over.

"Mom!!!" Susi said calling for my mom.

"Savina get your lazy butt up." She said. I groaned and sat up. I showered and brushed my teeth. I blow dried my hair and came out of my connected bathroom and into my bedroom. I grabbed a pair of light high waisted shorts I put on my black knot head band and silver ear cuff,
my universal ring,and my necklace that had a moon on it, my black banglet. I put on my bra and underwear I slipped on my black cropped sweater and slipped on the shorts.I put on my socks and converse. I applied my burts bees 'Island' lip balm I went downstairs and picked up six boxes and the notes my mom wanted us to put on them, then went outside and picked up my long board. I headed on my way. I stopped at the first house I came to. I put the note on the box, rang the door bell and left the box on the door step. I did the same except for the last house which was next to mine. I put the note on the box when the door opened.

"Hi?" A woman said.

"Oh um hi, I'm your new neighbor, and me,my mom and my friend are handing out cookies. So um, here are yours." I said awkwardly handing her the box.

"MOM WHO'S AT THE DOOR?!" someone yelled coming downstairs. He looked at me and said hi.

"Um hi." I said looking down.

"So your the new neighbor? I'm Grayson by the way."He asked and I nodded and suddenly my phone started ringing playing the one direction ring tone susi set for her self.

"Sorry, hello?" I said fishing my phone out.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"Delivering the cookies."I said.

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