Chapter I

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Haru yawned. "Ah, what would Chikage want so early in the morning?" He groaned and entered a door at an alley.

After walking down a hallway, he yet again steps into Chikage's office. Chikage was sitting still, seemingly deep in thought.

"Hey Chikage, I'm here. Got a new mission for me, I presume?" Haru assumed. Chikage looked at him. "Oh, you're here. Indeed, I have another mission. But this time, it will be a bit different" Chikage responded.

Haru looked at him, for the first time, with curiosity. "A different kind of mission? What does he mean?" He thought.

"So, this time, your target will be the Suzukis. I bet you know of them?" Chikage spoke. Haru nodded. "The Suzukis, owner of the Suzuki Restaurant, a 5 star restaurant chain. How can I not know of a future target of mine?" Haru bragged.

"For once, you are actually not stupid. Yes, indeed that's them" Chikage smirked.

Haru rolled his eyes. "So, I just need to sneak up to them and shut them up, right? No problem" he spoke arrogantly and proceeded to the door. Just as he wanted to turn the handle, Chikage coughed.

"Ehem, I still haven't told you about the 'different' part in your mission, you brat. Come back here!" He called. Haru turned. "I'm listening"

"What you may not know, is that the Suzukis are secretly guarded by bodyguards 24/7. And if something happens to one of the family members, everyone is going to be aware of it. So, you will need to kill them all at once, including the bodyguards" Chikage explained.

Haru lifted a brow. "Is that it? I'm used to killing 10 people at once anyway" he said. "Shut it! I'm not done!" Chikage snapped.

"Their mansion is tightly secured, and is outside the city. Even with someone with an agility as good as you, you will never be able to get past their security without getting caught.

So, you will need to take a different method to get into their mansion. I planned a less suspicious one. You will have to befriend and earn the trust of Suzuki Michiyo, the only daughter of the family. She is never seen anywhere except for school, so that's where youre gonna execute this plan" he explained.

Haru was shocked to the core. "School? For real? I've never been to school my whole life, what are you saying?" He shouted. "Hey, calm down. Your gonna be there just to befriend Michiyo. It doesn't matter if you fail your exams or whatnot, just try to get close to her" Chikage spoke.

"Ugh, fine, whatever. So, when do I start?" Haru groaned. "Tomorrow. Here's your uniform and books, I went through a lot just to enroll you here. Plus, as your guardian, I want you to at least try to get some slice of the outside world. Enjoy your time when you're still young, brat" for the first time, Chikage actually sounded caring. Even Haru couldn't believe his ears.

"Oh, uh, thanks" he stammered. After receiving the bag full of school supplies, Haru walked out of their hideout. The sun is just rising outside. "A slice of the outside world? Never thought someone like me would know anything of that" he murmured.

He peeked into the bag of supplies. Textbooks, workbooks, his uniform and some stationery. He swore he had never seen such things. He never had the chance to. He grew up in poverty. He had to change his course of life at such a young age.

Haru smiled. "Looks like the stars responded.

Something interesting did happen today"

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