Chapter XV

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Haru scratched his head, worried. He's still thinking of Amane's condition, but he hasn't gotten an update. Amane has been absent for a few days, and Haru didn't have the chance to go visit him yet.

"Worried about Amane?" Michiyo asked, as if she's reading his mind. Haru looked at her. "Yeah, how did you know?" He asked back.

Michiyo smiled. "Just a hunch. You guys are best friends, after all" she answered simply. "If you're really worried, how about we go visit him at his house after school. You don't have anything up today, right?" she added.

Haru tried to remember his plans for the day. Indeed, he has nothing to do after school. His face lit up. "Yeah, I just remembered! Good idea!" He agreed. Aside from checking on Amane's condition, he also has to make sure that that man hasn't been attacking him again.

Haru and Michiyo cruised down the shops together. They decided that visiting Amane without bringing anything is a bit rude, so they took some time to stop at the shops to buy something suitable.

"I'm gonna give him a bouquet of flowers" Michiyo said, stopping in front of a flower shop. Haru looked at the shop beside. "Then, I'll find a gift for him here. Wait for me outside this shop if you are done, okay?" Haru told. The two split up.

30 minutes later, Haru walked out of the shop, carrying a small paper bag. Michiyo isn't outside yet, so he decided to check her out in the flower shop.

He walked in. No customers. He tried to ask the shopkeeper, but she said Michiyo had already gone out. Haru started sweating. The only thing on his mind now is that mysterious man.

"Michiyo! Michiyo, where are you?" He ran out of the shop and called for Michiyo. No response. He feared the worst.

He started walking around, and saw flower petals on the pathway of a small alley. "An alley, again? Why do I keep coming back here? This can't be good" he whispered.

Haru followed the petals until he reached the back of the shops. Just as he expected, the same man who has been attacking him, and Michiyo. The man notices Haru's presence. He chuckled and threw Michiyo hard on the wall, causing her to lose consciousness.

"Eh? Dead already? Awh, I thought she's a lot stronger than this" he joked, lifting Michiyo's chin. Haru dropped his bag and took out the hidden knife he brings along every time. Without hesitation, he dashed towards the man.

The man didn't flinch. He dodged Haru's attack and shielded himself with his knife. "You! How dare you attack Amane! And now Michiyo?! That's enough!" Haru shouted. The man snickered.

"Are you sure I was the one who attacked Amane?" He spoke. Of course, Haru doubted him. He continued their fight, both scarring each other with their knife swings. Haru tried to kick the man's face, but he missed, and instead kicked his hoodie and hat off.

"That hair..." Haru froze. The man chuckled, and took of the mask he was wearing, revealing his face.

Haru was overflowed with shock. More than he could imagine. Finally, he knew the identity of the man... Or should he say...

"Amane...?" He stammered. Amane sighed. "I thought I'd show you my identity when I kill you later, but I guess it doesn't hurt to do it now. My mission's almost done anyway" Amane laughed.

"No... But.. Aren't you supposed to be hurt? Resting at home? Or... Did you fake your attack?" Haru asked. They slowed down their fight. "I was really attacked, but I wouldnt waste my time at home" Amane scoffed.

"B-but... Why..? Why are you doing this..?"

"Simple answer. Because I am an assassin. Not like you, who became soft just because of a girl... Hey, don't tell me you actually fell for her for real?" Amane assumed. Haru gritted his teeth. He didn't know what to do. He thought killing Amane would be easy, if he didn't know his identity, that is.

"Come on, don't say you'll give up on killing me just because I'm your friend. Weak. I was hoping you'd do better!" Amane said, then slashed his knife at Haru. Haru snapped out of his thoughts. Like it or not, if he wants to save himself and Michiyo, he had to kill Amane.

They continued to fight. Their knife swings were fast, and so are their dodges. Finally, Haru managed to stab Amane. Amane fell onto the floor. Haru pointed his knife at Amane's neck.

"Fine, you win. Come on, kill me, Haru"

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