Isn't It Weird How Quickly Things Change?

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The next 2 weeks flew past. Ebony and I became very close, I was soon good friends with Angelina and the other girls I met at her party also, my grades were rising dramatically, and Tristan and I were sort-of dating. I don't know what you'd call it.. We'd hang out all the time after school and during school but we were yet to share a kiss- we'd only hugged (to my dismay).
Although things seemed to be getting better, my mum was never home from 3pm to around 2am, and her lack of sleep was really starting to show. I had always thought that counselling would be a good idea, but of course, the problem is that we are still short on money. She spends more than a gambler!
I haven't told Ebony or any of my girl-friends about her yet- I don't want to be different anymore. I want to be the same as them. I just want a normal mum who makes me lunch, asks me how school is, and scolds me for being on my phone too much. And, I want a dad who can be there for me, tell me he'd bash any kid who tried to harm me, and call me his little girl.
Maybe mum will change if he gets home.
Maybe not.
Anyway, I was hanging out with Ebony, Angelina, Rebecca and Tonika just after the bell for lunch break rung when the most uncalled-for thing happened.
Brianna Witherstone and her side friend Jessica Piez waltzed right up to me- and asked if I was new!
"Yes" I told them, "I arrived here just over a fortnight ago"
"Where from" Brianna questioned me. The four other girls I was with were being completely ignored by 'the top girl'.
"Arizona" I half smiled, unsure what was going to happen next.
"Do you want to get some lunch?" she asked me kindly.
"Uh. Y-Yeah sure sounds good" I stuttered. At my old school, the top girl didn't come within 20 meters of me.
"Great. Your friends can come too" she looked at them disapprovingly.
The four other girls just stared at each other.
We walked through the corridors and I couldn't help but feel important as everyone stared at us. She was the leader of the school after all, and anyone who got close enough to her was classified as lucky.
At the canteen we sat down and began talking. Brianna wasn't anything like I'd been told she was.
She was very interested in me, and she listened intently as I told her about my likes and dislikes.
When it was her turn to talk, she told me she was of a Mexican Spanish background, that she goes overseas every year and that she's the cheerleading team captain.
As she spoke, I admired her pretty tan skin, her thoughtful green and blue specked eyes, her medium-lengthed wavey chestnut hair and her attractive dress style. She wore a black silky top tucked into a pair of white Hudson Jeans, with a Louis Vitton tote and a pair of sandal-wedges with a reasonable heel. Her long skinny legs complemented her fit torso and her stunning face.
She wore blush, a small amount of foundation, mascara and eyeliner.
I was so caught up in my chat with Brianna, that I almost forgot about Ebony, Angelina, Rebecca and Tonika. They were sitting on the other end of the table silently.
"Um I just remembered that I need to see the health teacher" Ebony mumbled before picking up her lunch and throwing it in the bin. She gave Angelina the look that said: come on! and they left the cafeteria.
Rebecca and Tonika were unsure what to do so they jumped up and told the other two that they were gonna join them. When all four girls were out of ear-shot, Brianna turned to me and said in a pissed-off kind of way "I thought they'd never leave!" I was in an awkward position so I just prayed that she'd change the subject soon. Nope.
Brianna told me that Ebony didn't like her, and that Eb said rude things to her online. I didn't believe it, but Brianna looked pretty serious. "Don't let her fool you." she warned me. "She's not an innocent as she sounds." I must've still looked unsure, because Brianna began to tell me a story "We went to primary school together, and from my first day of prep we were best friends. She just had the kind of cute vibe, you know? Like you want to get to know her better and you feel like she'll be there for you whenever. Well I was wrong. One day a new girl moved to our school, and joined our class. Ebony immediately welcomed the girl, took her in and showed her around. That was fine, I understood that she was new and all, but soon Ebony was with this brat 24/7 and I had no one. I made friends with a whole other group of girls but it just wasn't the same as having one best friend that knew all of your secrets. Since that new girl came along in year 5, I haven't spoken face to face to Ebony. Or the once 'new' girl, Angelina. Don't let her abandon you too", she cautioned me. I was shocked. Brianna was right about her being trustworthy and helpful, and she'd been my friend since day 1. Maybe Ebony wasn't as sweet as she made out to be.
"Wow" I said astonished. "Ebony never told me that you guys were friends"
"Were friends" Brianna repeated, "past tense".
It was then that the bell for lunchtime to finish rang, and we walked to our lockers. We had abandoned the subject of Ebony and were talking about catching up after school to do home work. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea" I smiled at her.
"Cool, my house or yours?" she asked me.
I pondered this for a moment, but quickly made up the excuse that my house was still messy from our move a couple weeks ago. I didn't want her to ask me things like: "What time does your dad get home?" and "Is your mum out?" I don't feel like answering stuff about them yet to anybody.
We departed for 5th and 6th period, Brianna attending Biology and I leaving for English, a class that I luckily had with Tristan. We found each other on the way there and talked and laughed like we always do.
He told me that a good movie was playing at the cinemas on the weekend and he asked me if I was interested.
"Ohh so it's like a date?" I flirted and asked him, raising my eyebrow.
"Ahaha yeah I guess so" he said grinning.
He had a sparkle in his eye.
"I'll pick you up at 7 Friday night" he explained. I figured that would be okay, as he wasn't actually going to be coming inside the house and he wouldn't get to see that my mum wasn't there. Like usual. I had also spent half an hour last night pulling out some weeds in the front yard, spraying the car down with a hose and covering up the smash on the window by placing a mosaic picture I made in year 7 over the crack.
We got to class, and instead of taking a seat next to Ebony like I always did, I decided I'd sit next to Tristan.
Ebony was a fake.

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