Cleaning Up The Mess

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Tristan was my first thought the next morning. I knew I had to speak to him, I had done the wrong thing by not telling him and I should pay for it.
I lay in bed thinking about him and wishing I never ruined what we had. He was the first boy to ever treat me like I mattered in this world, and I was the one to blame for messing it up.
I sighed, pulling the blanket off my torso and onto my legs. My feet met the carpet and I yawned continuously as I walked over to the closet.
I'd have to talk to Tristan today, I thought.
Grabbing my favourite top and a comfy pair of jeans, I got changed, trying to push away the shivers that rippled through my body from the cool morning atmosphere.
I was happy to admit I wasn't afraid of what lies ahead today, because the people that didn't know Brianna very well were now aware of her true colours and the fact that he couldn't and didn't even try to defend herself yesterday really put me on the upper ground.
I slopped on a kitchen chair after laying out the cereal and began to munch away. Soon I stood up and brushed my hair, before squishing my feet into a pair of boots and then brushing my teeth.
My mum was home this morning and she offered to take to me to school. I was worried at first because it's never a good idea to let a drunk drive a car, but she wasn't at all slurry or tired so I guessed that yesterday she had an alcohol free day.
We piled into the car and were soon at school.
"Goodbye Honey," my mum said smiling.
"See you, mum," I said back.
I made my way over to the gate I usually entered Ambrosine High through, but quietly cursed when I realised it was locked. I headed to the front of the school and was glad to find that the gate there was opened, so I walked in the school yard and headed to the front entrance. The only way to get through to the rest of the school from the front is to walk by a line of offices down a corridoor, and then take the door at the end out into the rest of the student-infested area. I was strolling by the offices in the hallway when I heard the voice of the principal talking to one of her colleagues.
"Can you please remove Brianna Witherstone off the school records? She's no longer a student here as she moved, yesterday was her last day. It was quite a surprise to her teachers, apparently know one knew she was leaving." I immediately stopped walking and took many slow steps down the corridor, I needed to stall time.
"Sure. Have you been told why she left?" the other teacher asked.
"No, all her father said when he called up this morning was that he and Brianna were moving states. First notice of her leave is suddenly shared on a normal school day. It's kind of odd really," the principal said and I had imagined her shrugging.
I didn't hear anything else so I finished my slow walk and finally exited through the back.
While I created tracks to the locker area, I started thinking about the possible answers as to why Brianna was suddenly moving. Was she embarrassed to be seen at school as the popular girl who got her ass kicked? Yeah that was probably right. But then I thought deeper and asked my self if maybe she left because she wanted to keep her secret, a secret. And now that people at this school knew, she had to cover it up and restart somewhere else. The chances of that being the case weren't very slim, and I wasn't surprised. Brianna's status was high and I know she'd do anything to protect it.
I looked up and saw that a few meters ahead walked Tristan. He hadn't seen me and was fidgeting with the pockets of his jackets. Now was my chance.
I began moving my legs quicker so I could get to him before he reached his friends (who I presumed were just around the corner) and stayed with them.
"Tristan," I said cooly when I was about 1 meter behind him. He instinctively turned around to see me but turned back when he saw it was me.
If that works.
I quickly walked by his side and looked at him, even though he continued to stare straight ahead.
"Tristan, I'm so sorry. Please believe me when I say that I know I did the wrong thing. I should've told you about my family, I just didn't want you to think of me any differently, because, well you know, my parents aren't very good role models. I made a mistake by not telling you and I realise now how awful that is," I said honestly and sincerely to Tristan, who to my wishes didn't walk away or scream at me.
"Don't you see?" He began, "I don't care about what your family is like. I like you and that's all that matters. It makes no difference whether you are blind or what-not. You're my girlfriend and I don't mind what your history is like."
I was set back and tried chewing up this information one chunk at a time. I really regret not telling him originally, he deserved to know. He treated me right and I should've at least told him about my past.
"I'm still your girlfriend?" Was all I could manage, I was that stunned by his little speech.
"Well uh yeah I guess," he stuttered with a mumble.
"I'm sorry, do you forgive me?" I apologised again. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed talking with him. His voice was just so enchanting in itself.
He was quiet for a moment, and I was anxious as to what he was going to say next.
"I'll forgive you," he said, "if," he continued, "you promise to tell me everything important about you that I should know. Always," he quickly added.
"Of course," I said, I had definitely learned from my mistake.
"Okay good," he replied. I saw a hint of a smile and I stopped walking. He took a couple steps before spinning back and seeing me still standing there. He walked back to me and as he opened his mouth to speak, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me.
"I missed you," I said truthfully in his ear.
"I missed you too," he said back, and I could tell by the innocence in his voice that he wasn't lying. We held the hug a little longer, and it was clear that neither of us wanted to break it. But sadly we had to, and I walked back with him to our locker area.

3 weeks later my friendship with Ebony and Angelina had developed, Tristan and I were as close as ever, (back to our usual cuteness), I stopped receiving death glares from random students around the school, there was no longer a top girl, so everyone was in no need of watching their backs, and my mum had taken a massive turn for the best. She was visiting a councillor every 3-4 days who was extremely kind and understanding of the situation, and I found myself so proud of my mum that I had agreed to get a better part time job to help pay for the counselling. I took my mum to my father's jail and we all sat down and talked like we used to, and it was evident we were all so happy yet sad to be reunited and together again. We were happy because it had been so long since my parents saw each other, and sad because of the same reason. We had both agreed to visit him every week, and all 3 of us would once again unite and come together. I would never have thought that my life would ever turn out this amazing. All I can say is, don't give up even in your hardest times, because things will always improve.

The End~

So what do you guys think?? Did you enjoy reading this teen fiction? I'm sorry it isn't anything amazing it's just my first attempt to write a wattpad story.
Thanks so much for reading, it means so much to me!
~ Angel xox

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