Uncovering The Truth

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The next day at school, things got worse.
Tristan wouldn't speak to me, no matter what I told him.
Brianna was constantly announcing my personal life to anyone and everyone.
I knew I was repeatedly being judged by every student who heard about my family and it's past, regardless of their age and they're thoughts on Brianna. (Just because she was popular and people talked to her doesn't mean they weren't intimidated by her).
And all I had left to turn to was Ebony.
Not even my mum.
Or my dad.
So much for vowing to be there for me.
Notice how everything always seems to boil down to them ?

I was still fixated on finding out how Brianna knew that my father was behind bars, and that my mother's favourite place in the world was at the local bar. Or any bar actually.
It scared me to think that such a good past couple weeks could suddenly change directions, especially considering the last month has been the best few weeks of my life.

It pained me to think the same thing was happening again. Another repeat of last year. Only I felt the damage would be worse. The bullying would start soon, and Brianna would gladly pride herself upon knowing how awful I felt. Except she wouldn't know, because no one ever dares to try and make the Brianna Witherstone feel bad.

I headed home that night feeling glum and betrayed, and finally decided I'd visit my dad.
I gathered up my phone, called the taxi service and slid my jacket over my back. I slipped out the front door, locked it behind me and walked over to the curb, where I tucked into the cab.
I was there in a matter of minutes, and entered the building sophisticatedly and maturely. I needed to learn to act like an adult, especially in these kind of places.
I headed over to the reception to ask about seeing my dad, and began rocking back and forth on my heels as I waited impatiently for the person in charge to make notes of my details.
Just like every time I visited the jail, I was giving a pen and instructed to put my name into the visitors book. I was halfway in the middle of writing my name when I happened to glance up and notice a name I had heard many times, four boxes above mine.

Brianna Witherstone.

Her cursive letters didn't even almost try to disguise her name, and soon I found my heart had started thumping rapidly.
Why was Brianna here? Very few people visit this jail, and her name was signed in on the 12/04/15- three days ago, which was before she had announced that my dad was a criminal.
Could she have seen my dad here and waited 2 days till the day we fought before telling everyone? That didn't seem right. I was sure that Brianna wouldn't've refrained herself from exposing me to everyone even if we were still 'friends'. So maybe she was here for a different reason. Perhaps she was filing a report on old jails for an English assignment? I couldn't understand how she could have found my dad. I had told nobody and somehow she managed to grasp the one bit of information that I intended to keep private for ever.
Then in hit me.
What if she was here visiting someone she knew that was in this prison? That could be the case, the jail was close to our school's area. What if she only found out my dad was here when she saw my name after she signed her name into the visitors log and it was too late for her to erase her name when she saw I was a regular visitor?
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.

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