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[𝐌𝐀𝐘 𝟐, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟖]

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, CASSIOPEIA. You're going to get yourself killed."

Her ears are buzzing. Her head is spinning, her chest tightening. Her legs hurt — no, everything hurts. She can't see. Can't breathe. Can't think properly as her cousin tugs onto her wrist, pulling her away from the chaos unravelling behind them.

Her heart pounds against her thoracic cage — so hard, so fast that she thinks it might leap out of her chest.

My name is Cassiopeia Malfoy and I will stand tall.

"We can't leave," she seethes, wriggling out of her cousin's grasp, only resulting in him tightening his hold. Despite her words, her body acts without control. She walks in a fast pace behind Draco, her eyes roaming around.

So many people are running in all directions. Some of them are fighting, others defending themselves. Some are hiding as some try to run away. So many people around, and she can't find him.

"We have to. Hurry the fuck up." Draco pushes Cassie against a wall, protecting her from a spell sent their way. He deflects the trajectory of the curse with his wand, his cold eyes boring into hers. "Listen to me. We can't let them find you. You have to go."

She leans her head back against the cold bricks, letting her muscles ache for a few seconds. Sliding down, she sits, hugging her knees to her chest, and closes her eyes.

A slight shake of her head, "I can't, Draco."

Emitting a soft grunt, he crouches down to be eye-levelled with her. "Why are you acting like a damn baby?"

My name is Cassiopeia Malfoy and I will stand tall.

"It hurts," she croaks out, pointing to her chest. "I can't breathe. I can't see."

Draco's jaw clenches at the sight of her being so weak. He sighs and tucks a wild strand of hair behind her ear. "You'll be fine—"

My name is Cassiopeia Malfoy.

"—But we really need to leave. Now, Cassie."

And I will stand tall.

Her chest heaves and her eyes burn. She has to blink multiple times to let the blazing feeling go away. She can't be weak. Not now. "I'm not leaving without Theo."

Draco exhales loudly — he's frustrated and anxious and scared. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he grunts, "I'll come back to get him." He meets her blue eyes. "I promise, Cassie."

"We can't leave him," she repeats and Draco nods, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"I won't." He looks around and grabs her elbow, dragging her up, "Come on, now. We have to find Mum and apparate you back at the Manor. They'll kill you as soon as they find out you were the spy."



Narcissa's voice seems so distant, like a melody of an enchanting music playing in the background on which she can't focus because of her wild thoughts running through her mind.

"Cassie," her aunt repeats, stepping closer, her voice now clear yet soft, just like velvet.

Standing in front of the window giving access to a magnificent view over the backyard of Malfoy Manor, Cassie fumbles with her rings. Her gaze is locked on a squirrel, running and jumping around the yard.

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