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[𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟓, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔]

A POWERFUL FORCE PUSHES AGAINST her mental barriers, trying to access her mind and thoughts and secrets.

But Cassie refuses to give up. Refuses to lose, to show her weaknesses. Still, despite the stupefying strength her mind beholds, she's still too frail against Snape's powers.

"You're getting distracted," he hisses from across the room. His voice ricochets against the walls protecting her mind, threatening to break them. "Focus."

"I'm tired, Sev," she whines, heaving a breath as she slumps against her chair. "Can I go back to my dorm?"

"It's Professor Snape to you, Cassiopeia," he grits, lowering his wand as he finally realises she's too exhausted to keep her walls up.

"But you're my Godfather," she promptly says, a sheepish smile trying to break free upon her lips.

"It's Professor Snape," he drawls, rubbing at his temple. He then waves a dismissive hand in the air before turning on his heel, his cloak floating behind him like a shadow. "We're done for today."

Late at night, the ambiance in the castle is eerie. Not one sound can heard, not one person roams around the castle. Everyone is fast asleep, she thinks, as the time on the small watch she's been gifted indicates past midnight.

Thankfully, the walk from Snape's office to the Slytherin common room is quick. She doesn't encounter any ghost. Doesn't bump into the Prefects.

The moment she enters the common room, she gets hit by a sudden wave of nausea that is almost as uncomfortable as the spells her Professor has put on her to read her mind. Cassie leans against the door, shuts her eyes close. She inhales. Exhales. Repeats.

Sounds of chatter and laughter echo, forcing her to tear her eyes open. Sitting on the other side of the room, next to the large window that gives a view of the Black Lake, are her friends in the middle of a card game.

Blue meets hazel in a heartbeat, and her shoulders slump in relief. Theo sits in the centre of a leather sofa, one arm draped over the back of it, his fingers nearly touching the back of Kallista's neck as she sits besides him. On his other side, Pansy is lying down, her feet propped atop his lap, his free hand absentmindedly resting on her knee.

He winks at Cassie before dragging the joint hanging between his lips away. A cloud of smoke escapes his mouth, evaporating around him. But the moment his gaze lands on Cassie's pain-stricken face, his features droop and disquietude flashes in his eyes.

He pushes Pansy's feet away, stands up, closes the distance between him and Cassie with only a few, powerful strides.

"That shit is going to kill you," she tells Theo, warily eyeing the stick hanging loosely between his lips.

"That?" he scoffs, grabbing it between slender fingers. "Nah. But you know what's going to end me? This fucking war."

He's right. They've been pulled into a battle that was never supposed to be theirs, and now they have to fight on the wrong side of the war.

"What happened?" he asks, voice low and tone gruff after a beat of excruciating silence.


"Cassia," he warns. He hates it when she shuts herself off—especially from him. She knows he hates it when she keeps secrets from him. Joint tuck between his pointer and middle finger, he brushes a strand of hair away from her face with the tip of his ring one, his touch delicate and light-feather—like he's scared to hurt her. "Talk to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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