The Void

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He can remember it like it was yesterday, a day that is plastered in his mind until present, a day where the joys of his life have been stripped from him and to be replaced with times of dread and misery, where all hope in his eyes has ceased and where hatred replaced it

All his life he was mocked and shamed for being quirkless, being seen as subhuman or as a thing not worth living , he strived to become something more than worthless, someone looked up upon by the people around him to be admired to be seen as something great

But in that faithful day all those dreams, all those ambitions he held so dear to his heart have been erased by one simple accusation, by merely being framed for something he had not done, by being a suspect to a crime he had not committed and so everything fell apart in his life, his friends abandoned him, his mentors forsaken him and their trust in him broken to little shards of glass and to little specs of dust, he was now a villain in their eyes, an imposter among heroes and a traitor that doesnt deserve anything but the cold embrace of the deepest pit of hell

He didn't blame them for not knowing, he did not blame them for putting him as a suspect but he did blame them for one thing, he blamed them for leaving him behind for moving on with their lives not believing that he was innocent, they abandoned a friend that risked his life for them, they abandoned a student that gave it his all to prove himself in front of them, they abandoned a successor to a powerful quirk given to him a quirk that he earned and put his blood and sweat to control and make it his own

Now he lay down in the floors of Tartarus where he replays the life he has which should be easy to do since he gained a conscious at the age of three and spent four years in Tartarus so he just has to reminisce 13 years of his life

A life spent quirkless for its majority and was given hope for a little while thanks to the quirk of All Might, speaking of him he never truly hated him like the others due to his countless attempts of trying to stop him from ending up on tartarus and his unwillingness of picking a new successor only doing so since Midoriya kept insisting that there sould be someone to be a new successor to defeat all for one

And in all honesty he didn't truly hate the people who abandoned him to the hell pit that is Tartarus, they saw the evidence they saw it with their own eyes they even doubted the evidence but they abandoned him to the loneliness of a prison cell

And that has been the thing he's been thinking about this entire time he was in Tartarus, why so easily, why were they so accepting of the facts, was it because they were glad to have someone to blame for the misery that befell them, was it the relief of now knowing who the imposter among us truly is, or was it something different that cause them so quickly and effortlessly say that Midorya the friend, Midorya the student, Midorya the successor was behind the leaking of information to the villain

He didn't know, so as much as he blames his pain on them as much as he wishes to tear their world down and to make them feel the despair he had felt, that little part of his old self left in him, that one piece of himself that didn't succumbed to the void and darkness in his heart, he can never fully forgive them for the situation he is in right now, he can't

"My life is a circus and I am the main clown of the show" he said as he observes the concrete walls that he had seen plenty of times during this four year long vacation in Tartarus

'Everything makes sense now, no wonder why I'm stuck in this place never to see the light of the outside ever again' he ponderes to himself as he blankly stares at the same wall

'This cruel world I live in is but a stage for me to play out a cruel joke gifted to me by those above' he says as a smile on his face energed, for along time his face had stayed the same but now it has made a smile, a smile that his face didnt have for along time

He laughed at the thought that this entire time he was a way for the world to make a cruel joke to see, to be watch by the masses as a worthless person who dreamed to reach the starts now fallen to the darkest pits, fall even lower than ever before

He finally snapped

He let all of his emotions out, he cried so much it could rival Niagara falls, He laughed so muched that it was like he was watching a comedy, He raged like he never before punching the walls till his hands bleed, all of it he let out until after that explosion of emotions he knows nothing will change. Nothing.


He woke up only to see his hands covered in bandages and food left for him in the side of his room, he didn't bother to eat let alone touch that dog food. He was trying to remember what happened to him yesterday

While remembering the extreme emotions he put both of his hands on the floor suddenly he starts falling, falling, it never stops, there is no end to his descent of the void.

He didn't care what was happening to him. For all he knew he was dead. And that is the only thought that matters to him. The only thought that gave him a sense of peace.

This feels like a dream that can't be real, the void looks like that endless cosmos yet no star in sight. A never ending darkness yet just a finite space with only him as the occupant in sight.

Only his thoughts echo in the abyss. With his mind as the speaker and himself as the audience he can hear himself for once. Yet silence is all that is heard.

He is still in a fetal position. Floating in the void. Not wanting to know where he is or in what place he is in. He truly doesn't give a fuck.

Suddenly he fell from a foot high landing on soft carpet. Still a bit dazed he slowly stood up realizing he was inside an apartment. His attention was caught by the content broadcast by the television.

"Reports comes in that the UA traitor Izuku Midoriya has somehow escaped the Tartarus prison without even slight evidence of showing how he escaped and where he is now, If you have seen his face please contact authorities and nearby heroes IMMEDIATELY" The reporters say with extreme urgency.

All of a sudden the bathroom door flung open. The owner of the apartment comes out with only a towel covering their body.


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