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"Hmm..." Hado thought to herself

She is in the kitchen wondering what to cook for herself and her visitor. She is wearing an apron with bunnies and flowers for designs. She scrolled through her cook book wondering what would be a suitable meal for a technically ex-convict of a high security prison like Tartarus.

Her eyes wandered through the pages, searching mindlessly through all the pictures and words in the book. Then she remembered something back from her UA days during the internship program. Katsudon was the meal the Midoriya always took with him. It was wrapped neatly inside a kento box. Sometimes when they meet up around lunch time during patrols he always has that for his lunch. It is something she teased him for, even saying that she'll take him out for a food hunting trip just to take down Katsudon as his number one most favourite dish.

'Alright then that's decided then' She said to herself as she readied her ingredients and cooking ware.


He stood there silently. Letting the hot water hit his head. It was relaxing, the first time he felt hot water in a long time. He scrubbed every part of his body thoroughly. From head to toe, behind the ear, inside the belly button and in his privates. He took a good 20 minutes in there just scrubbing away not knowing what kind of disease or infection he got from not showering in a long time.

'I think that's enough' He thought to himself. He wiped down using the towel provided and changed clothes.


"Master Shigaraki do you want me to call in a few people to investigate the boy" Kurogiri said to the man covered in hands.

"Not yet, I want him to feel as his world was restored-there is no joy destroying his world when he has nothing to loose"

"Though yes, hire someone to investigate as to how Midoriya escaped. I have a feeling it will be a hinderance to us if he has obtained a quirk somehow inside Tartarus.

All the lights in the room dimmed down. There is no need to rush-they have all the time in the world to torture him. Before hero society will crumble in the chaos of the new world they will make the boy who they believed to be the next All Might watch in despair.


"Oh I see you have finished Midoriya" Hado said while cooking their dinner.

"Don't worry the food is almost ready, just sit in tight"

Midoriya sat on the couch watching the news. Police cars and heroes surround Tartarus. Many more searching in nearby cities as the government declares a full lock down in that part of the nation.

"You can relax, we're pretty far from Tartarus if I do say so myself"

"Where are we in Japan?" He asked his former senior.

"Hokkaido, pretty shocking when you randomly showed up. That's why I was so mad earlier" She chuckled at the end

"I mean I would be upset too if a traitor suddenly appeared in my apartment" He said.

Uncomfortable silence momentarily crept in after his remark, if only for a few moments. While as the television showed frantic police and heroes at the scene.

"Don't mention those types things for the mean time Midoriya. Dinner is ready"

After years confined within the bleak walls of prison, Midoriya savored the moment as he lifted the spoon to his mouth, relishing the taste of his favorite dish. The aroma of freshly cooked katsudon filled the air, evoking memories of lunches shared with loved ones long ago. With each bite, he felt a rush of emotions washing over him—a mixture of gratitude, nostalgia, and overwhelming joy. A symphony of flavors, a culinary masterpiece that transcended the confines of his prison cell. As he savored every bite, He couldn't help but marvel at the simple pleasure of indulging in a meal he had once taken for granted. In that moment, the comfort of familiar flavors, he felt a glimmer of hope flicker within him—a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was still joy to be found in the small moments of life's simple pleasures.

Midoriya finished the dish. He stayed seated at the table until Hado was finished. She went to the restroom after finishing her food. After a few moments he stood up and took both plates and other utensils and went to the sink.

"Oh don't worry Midoriya, I'll wash the dishes" She said as she stood up and went to where he was.


"Pardon?" Nejire asked him as he stood there still.

"Why are you doing this...

Why are you being so kind to me...

I don't understand"

Slowly stream of tears start forming.

"Just call the cops already. I won't run, I won't hide, I won't fight. I give up"

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