Chapter 4

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"Someone's excited," Dean's voice washes over me and I can't help but smile as the manly woodsy cologne he wears attacks my senses. Nostalgia hits me of how few times I really did smell this amazing scent. I glance up to see if he is annoyed just to see a small self satisfied smile. I need to remind myself that they do need me too.

"Beyond excited," I mumble and let my body slide down his until I'm standing up on my own feet. Dean doesn't let me go though and I can feel the beginning of him getting excited as well. A smirk crosses me lips, "seems you are too."

I pull back and he lets go of me giving me a slightly desire filled face. I grin just as I'm attacked myself. Koala bear Mattie was back as he latched himself onto me. However I could now relate to Dean. If he felt even slightly the same way I do about them he would've been ecstatic to have me in his arms.

As I wrap my arms around Mattie I never want to let go. I hug him tighter at just the thought of him leaving my arms. I lean my head on his shoulder and breath in his scent. Like petals and rain.

"Have you gotten more muscular?" Mattie mutters from where his face smashed into my neck. His breath fans over me and I sigh out contently.

"Only few things to do in there, working out is one, so maybe a bit," I mumble out softly before finally letting up on my hold so he can lean back and look at me. He is smiling from ear to ear.

"You're a lot more similar to Ceddy now, gosh I've missed you Ronny," he grabs ahold of me again smothering my neck in kisses. I smile and glance over at Cedric who stood off to the side smiling at us softly with a bit of a faraway look. Since I've decided that I am going to be a bit more selfish when it comes to them I immediately think that's no okay. I need his attention.

I gently pat Mattie's back and push him off me. He pouts but steps back as I softly kiss his cheek. A light pink spreads across his them and I wink before turning my attention to Cedric. He's not even looking at us anymore so he doesn't notice when I literally attack him. I pin him against Deans large Jeep. A grunt escapes him as he looks at me with wild bewildered eyes. I grin up at him as lean forward causing me to be staring directly into his chest.

"You seem..." he starts speaking but trails off and I step closer to him. Until we're practically eye to eye.

"Wanton? Wild? Needy? Desperate? Maybe like a boyfriend should be?" I grumble out every word and his eyebrows go up in surprise. I lean forward and barely brush my lips against his, "I was an idiot to try and save you guys from me. I'm never making the same mistake again. I'm fully ready to accept and prove that your all mine."

Cedric let's put a shocked scoff as his eyes search my face. I glance back to see Dean eyes drilling holes into me. Mattie seems ready to bounce off the walls as he hops up and down grinning like crazy.

"Y-you mean that?" I look back at Cedric and breath in deeply. I shove my face in his neck and grin against his skin.

"You're mine peaches, damn I really miss that smell," I'm mumble my voice being muffled by his skin. He shivers above me and lets out a shudder sigh. I feel him nod and step back. He looks at me with so much emotion in his eyes that I can't help but smash my lips down on his.

Instantly he responds fighting for dominance. Which I quickly win when he realizes I'm not giving up. His lips are soft and plump. They taste so good. Like a cherry candy. He opens his mouth and I dive in.

Cedric was the one I fought with the most. The one who's emotions I ignored the most, so as I kiss him all I can think about is expressing just how much I want him. He groans as I assault him roughly.

"As much as I'm enjoying the show, we are still outside the prison," Dean states and I slowly release Cedric from my tight grasp. He groans again leaning back against the Jeep with his eyes closed. A desperate look on his face. I grin at him as he opens his eyes.

He rolls his eyes and snorts, "who knew you were such a guy?"

I let out a laugh, "a very very fucked up guy who didn't know what I had until I almost lost it."

He searches my eyes and seems to find the sincerity in them because his demeanor changes. Instantly he completely melts into my arms. He falls against me wrapping his arms around my waist. He leans his head against my shoulder, "I missed you too."

He then releases me before I can grasp onto him. He slips by me away from his pinned position and now I'm the one pouting.

"Let's go home!" Mattie shouts excitedly and rushes to the other side of the Jeep. Where he hops in the backseat instantly buckling up with a huge grin. I smile but don't move. I glance at Dean who was already looking at me.

"Home?" I ask softly and Dean steps closer to me.

"Yeah," he answers and tilts his head to the side. I couldn't help but imagine him as an adorable puppy who didn't know what was going on.

"You're home?" I ask instead and his face instantly kicks with realization.

He shakes his head and smiles at me as he steps closer to me again. The shy submissive nature that always overwhelms me around Dean starts peeking out and I breath out trying not to get scared.

"Our home honey," he whispers in my ear in a deep raspy voice causing me to shiver violently. He chuckles attractively in my ear before softly brushing his lips right under my ear and naturally try to give him better access. I can practically feel the smug attitude coming from him as he backs up and looks at me with smirk, "ready?"

I swallow the lump that began to form in my throat and nod. I would have to work on my fear of not being in control. For Dean. So that I can be a better boyfriend for him too. Because they will be mine again, this time the right way. They deserved that and more.

(A/n: fluff, fluff, fluffy fluff! Thank you all so much for reading!!! Love you all!!💙💙)

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