Fairyland above the city (Yeosang)

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„Are you really, absolutely and a 100% sure?", I asked again and Yeosang chuckled, reassuring me patiently. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes for a second and then finally grabbed his hand, taking the last remaining step outside. I anxiously held onto his arm tight as he led me over the roof to where the other two already sat. "There you are!", my friend greeted me, "I almost wanted to go look for you." I raised an eyebrow. "Why do we even have to climb up that rooftop anyways?", I mumbled salty, "Y'all seem to forget that I am scared of heights and not even the best view justifies this craze." "Sit down, it's gonna be alright", Yeosang assured me calmly, "I'll stay beside you and hold you." I grumbled something to myself before carefully letting myself sink down to the roof, not letting go of him. Yeosang settled down next to me and smiled fondly. Huh. That wasn't half bad. This seemed actually way safer than I thought it would be. "Look, even if we fall, there's the balcony right underneath", my helper beside me explained. I nodded. Maybe I overreacted a bit at first. But who could blame me? This evening started out quite differently to what I expected already anyways.

After my friend practically begged me to come to that party with her, I had given in and found myself in a big crowd of people I didn't know - abandoned by my friend whom I remembered to be one of the biggest extroverts running around right then. I had been slightly annoyed by it as I finally found her, talking to a guy I also never saw before. Awkwardly as can be, I decided to stand beside them though clearly not wanting to join at first. Until his friend came by and I quickly identified him as another introvert, gladly accepting his offer of standing around awkwardly together. That other introvert was Yeosang while the guy my friend Aurora talked with turned out to be his best friend and party host Wooyoung. And then suddenly Wooyoung suggested something I didn't hear clearly and before I knew it, I stood here with all of them to climb up the house's rooftop.

"Wooyoung might have a lot of stupid ideas", Yeosang interrupted my thinking, "But since I can think we often sit together on the rooftop. It's an amazing place. You really don't have to be afraid." I smiled at him shyly, paying him high respect for trying to make me feel better. "I guess it's okay", I confessed. "Wait until you see the firework", he gave back with sparkling eyes. "Firework?", I asked just as I heard the first ones explode. I turned my head and my jaw dropped. "Awesome", I mumbled. It was pretty close and I never had a better view on them before than now, right above the city. I heard Yeosang chuckle. "The ending firework of the fair nearby", he then explained, scooting a bit closer to show me the site, "See, the one over there." "I might not go out often, but I do know the fair", I gave back, jokingly offended. "Okay, sorry", he laughed and the two of us fell silent again while watching the fireworks. Even Aurora and Wooyoung had stopped talking to fully enjoy the view.

After the show ended, I tried to ignore Aurora getting embarrassingly lovey dovey with Wooyoung by looking up at the stars. "It's like a secret little kingdom up here. A fairyland", I mumbled. "That's what it always felt like for us even when we were little kids", Yeosang gave back. I could imagine that. "Did you know it's shooting star season already again?", he asked to continue our conversation. I shook my head. "No, I didn't. How is it the middle of august already again?", I sighed. "I know right? Time flies", he answered. "It does", I agreed and continued: "Let's see how many shooting stars we'll see." "One's enough for me actually." "Really? I love them, I can't get enough of seeing them." "Oh, it's not about seeing them. It's about the wishes you get. I only need one right now." "Oh, okay. I'll let you have the first one then. I simply want to see them", I smiled endeared.

As time passed, Wooyoung and Aurora decided to return to the party due to the coldness arising from the night. But I didn't want to leave just yet and gladly accepted Yeosang's offer of staying with me. I shivered slightly and he must have noticed as he got out of his jacket and scooted closer to put it around both of us, sneaking his arm around my shoulders in the process. I didn't mind. I started to like him. He had a calming aura and I quickly understood that he also was one that didn't mind sharing some silence sometimes – Something I valued a lot. I decided to let my head sink on his shoulders while continuing to look up to the stars and counting the numerous shooting stars I could see. "Have you already wished your one wish?", I asked lazily as sleep dared to take over me. "More than once. In different variations even. Maybe it helps", he gave back. "I do hope so", I answered. "Do you not have a wish?", he asked. "Right now? No, there's nothing I could wish for", I gave back. "That's good then", he said and shortly squeezed me.

As it really couldn't be helped anymore, we also climbed back inside and went down to the basement to find the party basically over. "You two were gone long", Aurora greeted me with a knowing smirk. I waved it off. "Can't imagine you two really missed us", I retorted and she just shrugged innocently. "Wooyoung invited me for his friend's party next week", she changed topic, "Wanna join?" I looked at Yeosang questioning. "If Wooyoung comes, I do not have a choice", this one admitted. I grinned. "I'll be coming too then. You need someone to stand around with awkwardly", I said. "Too bad I don't feel awkward with you", he gave back and I blushed slightly, "Anyway, let me know if you need someone to pick you up." "Oh, I'll be taken care of already but maybe she needs someone", Aurora said with a suspicious smile while pointing at me. "Maybe I do", I agreed as I tried to ignore her and got out my phone. "Mind exchanging numbers?" "Not at all", Yeosang smiled shyly and we did so.

After we both left, Wooyoung turned to his friend. "Told you, you won't regret coming along", he grinned. "This one time you might have been right, but don't rush it too much", Yeosang shrugged. "Let's go sleep, I am pretty tired", Wooyoung yawned, "One last question though: What in the world did you do up on the rooftop?" "Let's just say", the other one hummed, "The countless wishes from shooting stars worked." He smiled at his phone that had received a new message just a few seconds earlier: "Good night, Yeosang. See you around. Your introverted party-partner." Wooyoung tilted his head confused but shrugged it off. "Shotgun for going to the bathroom first", he instead announced and dashed off. His friend shook his head grinning and then followed him, feeling light like he was still in that fairyland above the city that in his opinion even held a princess tonight for once.

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