A Cerberus???? Wtf

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Harry found out the reason he shouldn't go to 3rd floor, A FUCKING CERBERUS IN A SCHOOL OF CHILDREN!!!!! I mean there is a Bassilisk in there but it is aware of the children and is there to protect them.

"DRACOOOOOO!" Shouted Harry trying to get the blonds attention.

"Yes MY lord?" he asked with even more possesiveness, Harry was shocked so the way he decided to show his thanks was to, next time be even more possesive of Draco.

"I need your help, MY love" Draco was shocked and so was everyone else but Harry wasn't paying any attention to them.

"Y-yes what is you desire of me, my lord?"

"I need to speak with your father about Dumblewhores decision to allow A FUCKING CERBERUS IN A SCHOOL" Harry spoke.

I am sorry for not posting in ages.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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