It's Mad's Mad World (I)

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"I met death today!" Exclaimed the little girl.

"Oh, you did?" Asked her mother, participating in her vivid imagination.

"Yes! She looked cool and intimidating. But nice. She was nice!" The girl said as she walked in front of her mother, slowing her down.

"I see, I see. Here hold my hand. Don't want you to get lost" the mother said.

The girl complied and hopped around whilst walking with her mother. Her short hair went up and down bouncing everywhere. They stopped at the red light, she looked up to her mother.

"Mommy" she said with a sudden serious face, too serious for a child, "Death told me that my childhood would end abrup-abroop-abrabtly...?" Curious she looked at her mother again, "what does abruptly mean?" She was happy she got the word right.

Mother was surprised and a little bit horrified. What could this mean? Her daughter always had an incredible and lively imagination. Since she was a toddler she would create stories and conversations with her toys that seemed complex and full of life. She loved this about her kid, it was sweet and creative and it certainly meant she was somewhat smart. Besides, her creativity made Mad happy. She started questioning if her daughter's little story meant something, she never mentioned Death before. Was her kid unhappy? Did she need something? Should she reach out to a therapist, a child therapist?

"It - it means all of a sudden" she said with worry on her face.

"Ooooooh" Mad said, "I told him I didn't know what he meant. And he laughed!"

"He? I thought you said Death was a woman" the mother laughed endearingly.

"Death is whatever they want to be!" The kid exclaimed while she jumped higher and harder and lifted her arms as if she wanted to reach the sky.

"Mhm, mhm" the mother nodded. "That's great. What do you want to have for lunch?"

"Mhm...." The kid moved from side to side, balancing her whole body from one leg to the other, "maybe...chicken nuggets?" She grinned looking for the approval but knowing her mother would most certainly say no.


Mad's eyes opened wide in delight and shined with joy.

"But" continued her mother, "no ketchup, just tomatoes."

"Urgh" she exclaimed as she opened her mouth and let her tongue out, making a face of disgust. "OK. That's faaaaair" she slouched.

The light turned green and they resumed their walking. Looking at each other with smiles on their faces, the kid still bouncing around. She noticed someone at the end of the street.

"Look! Look, mom!" She said, "there! There's Death!" She pointed out happily at an empty sidewalk.

The mother smiled at her child, still playing along with her vivid imagination, "Greet them for me then," she smiled.

"Of course I will mommy!" She looked up at her mother one more time, she loved looking into her eyes black as a crow's feathers, she liked seeing her mother smile at her stories. As she turned her head she felt someone pushing her and slowly, she let go of her mothers hand and that was the last thing she remembers.


Bright white lights made her head hurt. There was a pinning silence constantly interrupted by a heart rate measuring machine.

"BIP BIP BIP '' it went. Mad woke up slowly in an empty room. Naturally, being a child, she asked for her mother, no one answered back and she started to cry. Lonely and desperate.

"Mom, mom...mommy" she sobbed, "mom..." she whispered, for she screamed so much her voice left her. Still, no one answered. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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