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"Isn't this exciting, sister. . .? Arcadia?"

I snapped out of my trance and nodded nervously, "Yes, it is."

"If you do not wish to go, I can take you back home," she 

"No! No, uh, it's. . .I'm just nervous, is all. Why ask me to go? I still have no title, and you are the Goddess of Divine Retribution. Why does he want me there?" It had been decades since I had last seen Dream of The Endless. He is a King, and he has a realm to control and keep after, but despite that. . .I missed him. The way I felt when we danced that night, and the way his eyes remained on mine for what felt like hours made me feel enchanting.

Sadly, after our dance, he had received word from his realm and needed to leave.

"I must take my leave," Dream told me.

"Y-yes, of course. I hope all is well," as I was turning to leave, his hand grabbed my wrist. I looked up at him and he brought my hand upwards and planted a kiss. I felt warm as his eyes snapped to mine and slowly pulled his lips from my skin.

"Have a goodnight, my Lady Arcadia."

"You as well. . .Lord Dream," I said, watching him as he left with a fast-paced heart and wandering mind.

"Perhaps he wishes to help you. Or he thinks about you as well," Nemesis teased as we continued on the ride in mother's chariot.

"Do you think he sees our dreams as well?" I questioned.

"He dictates all, so I do hope you have not had any perverted dreams, sister," Nemesis was an amazing elder sister. One of our family's first children, she had a massive responsibility in carrying out punishment for the Divine. It did not matter who you were, for if you broke the rules, you were subject to due punishment.

"I would never!"

We soon arrived as the sunset was approaching and let Shade and Shadow rest as we saw two figures approaching in the distance. 

Neither of whom was Dream.

Instead, it was a small woman with pointed ears and a tall blond man with sunglasses on accompanied with a top hat. 

"You were right, Arcadia, he is quite handsome," Nemesis said aloud, and I had to stop myself from giggling as the man before us looked bewildered.

"That is not Dream, dear sister," I told her, and she immediately became flustered.

"I am so sorry! I thought you were Lord Dream. I merely wished to tease my sister. I'm Nemesis, Goddess of Divine Retribution," She quickly replied, trying to calm her racing heart as the two bowed before us.


Still no title.

"Lady Arcadia, Lady Nemesis, we welcome you to the realm of Dreams and Nightmares. I am Lucienne, Lord Dreams librarian. This is Corinthian, the newest Nightmare that Lord Dream has created," Lucienne introduced herself and Corinthian, who was either staring at my sister or did not have any social awareness.

"If I may ask, where is Dream?" I was impatient but how could I not be? I wanted to ask a million questions. How are you? How is your realm? 

How have you felt about me since that night?

Do you crave our closeness as much as I?

"He is awaiting your arrival. We'll have one of our residents feed and water the horses," the realm of Dream was beautiful in its own way. I've seen realms of rainbows and cities of gold, but the dirt and earth and trees surrounding the white gates made it feel homely.

"Hello, Lady Arcadia."

I almost stopped in my tracks when I heard the familiar voice of Dream in my head, but continued on as I remembered that he could read my mind and my dreams. So it was only natural to assume he could communicate that way as well.

You startled me, Lord of Dreams. Do you have a habit of that?

"Only often. My realm has kept me busy the past few decades."

I smiled to myself as I heard a playfulness in his voice.

Lucifer? I only heard of the news recently.

"Correct. The Morningstar wishes for me to pledge myself and my realms' allegiance to her."

Proposterous for her to think it would happen. 

"Lady Arcadia, how long have you known Lord Dream?" The Corinthian asked as the gates opened, and I was awe stricken at the sight before me. A gorgeous castle with a moat around it, with two hands lifting up the bridge from the waters below. Dreams and Nightmares walking about, looking either human or as a beautiful creation of life.

"I-I only met him once. I'm sorry, your home is just so breathtaking," I excused myself as I continued to admire the scenery.

"I appreciate the compliments, Lady Arcadia."

"It is all thanks to Lord Dream."

"Speaking of," I looked across to see Lord Dream himself on the bridge, and he still looked ethereal. His hair had grown out, and his face was as stoic as ever. My footsteps felt so light as we approached him, and he had bowed before us.

"Now what did I say about bowing?" I teased with a wide grin.

"And I about scolding?" His eyes held a gleam of mischief within them, and it made me feel happy to know that he was still the same man I had met. 

It felt like we were the center of the universe, and they were all witness to what I had hoped. A love was forming in my mind and in my soul for the Lord of Dreams as we spent more decades together than apart, and one day happily vowed to spend the rest of time with him.

The one thing I never thought I had to question was. . .

"And please, call me Arcadia," I insisted.

"Is that a request?" He questioned, the slight raise of his brow bringing me joy.

"An order," Lucienne and Corinthian looked at eachother.

"Arcadia, call me Morpheus."

The one thing I never thought I would have to question was his love for me.

But perhaps that was the one mistake I made.

Neil confirmed that The Corinthian is pansexual, and plus as the eons go on, Nemesis will adopt they/them pronouns. Just incase anyone was worried.

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