I Don't Wanna Die at 15, Thalia!

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Artemis and Sylvia both assured Percy that dawn was coming soon, but he didn't look convinced.

Perseus Jackson, do you really think I'd lie to a goddess? One of my favourite goddesses?

Artemis was definitely tied with Hestia for Sylvia's favourite goddess, but she wasn't going to just anounce it. Hera would annihilate her!

Hestia is very pleasant, Fawkes commented, having read Sylvia's inner thoughts. Y'know, those quiet thoughts that are ususally hidden by her louder thoughts. She didn't find that unnerving at all. Not even a little bit. She always gives me a share of the offering she receives. I hung out a lot with her before Lord Apollo sent me here.

So, are you, like, a sacred animal up in Olympus? Sylvia asked.


That's so cool.

Sylvia joined Artemis in staring at the east, waiting for her papa to appear. She honestly wasn't sure what to do. She'd just watched the Hunters break up their camp, knowing they didn't want or need help. 

She side-eyed Bianca, who was talking with Nico. She could tell from his gloomy face that she was explaining her decision to join the Hunt. She couldn't help thinking how selfish it was of her, abandoning her brother like that. Then she shook those thoughts away. She just wanted to be free of responsibility. Sylvia understood that. Plus, Sylvia would be there for Nico. She'd tell her cabin to be nice to him, too. He could use some friends, like Will. They were around the same age, and they'd probably be good for each other. Will didn't have enough friends. (So, basically, Solangelo will happen cuz of her. And she'll be the captain of the ship)

Thalia and Grover huddled around Percy, and Sylvia decided to join them, though she stayed away from Percy. Fawkes followed her, landing on her shoulder when she stopped moving. She was extremely light, so Sylvia didn't mind. Thalia and Grover asked about their audience with the goddess, and Percy told them, with Sylvia contradicting him on details every now and then.

When they told them about the Hunters going to camp, Grover turned pale. "The last time the Hunters visited camp, it didn't go well."

Sylvia rolled her eyes. "It'll be fine. The worst that will happen is they'll try to murder the Ares cabin again. Clarisse would appreciate a challenge, actually, so both sides would be fine with them fighting. It's just the people that have to watch them that won't be okay with it. Plus, you have a crush on half the Hunters (Not her exposing him), Grover. You should be happy they're here."

"How'd they even show up here?" Percy wondered. "I mean, they just appeared out of nowhere."

Sylvia sighed at his idiocy. "Y'know, Salmon Breath, it's almost like they have an entire freaking goddess with them that has the power to take them anywhere she wants them to go! Crazy, right?" (I have no idea where the name "Salmon Breath" came from. It literally just popped into my head and I was like "okay")

Percy rolled his eyes.

"And Bianca joined them," Thalia said, disgusted. "It's all Zoe's fault. That stuck up, no good--"

"Hey, she's an okay person!" Sylvia protested. "Plus, she's another person who hates Percy. That's almost always a good thing."

"Think of all the monsters that hate me," Percy gave her a look.

"Are monsters people?" Sylvia asked. "If my memory serves correct, I said person, not thing."

"Why do you even--" Percy started, but Grover interrupted him, still thinking about Zoe.

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