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as your walking to the sign that is covered by vines you hear something "hello who's there" you ask as you walk away from the sign and to the noise just as you get close enough you get hit in the head with a rock and pass out 

after a few hours you hear a voice "is she dead?" you slowly open your eyes and immediately get a splitting headache you go to touch you hand but your tied to a chair then five people stand in front of you "who are you people? why am i tied up? and where am i" you ask "who do you work for" a guy with orange hair and a hat asked "no one i don't even know where i am" you says then a person in a white dress comes and unites you "we are so sorry miss we through you work for the red queen" she says "umm where am i" you ask as you get out the chair "you're in wonderland" a set of twins says "um none of you happen to know how to leave?" you ask wanting to go back home to enola sherlock and mycroft "um no but normally how you came is how you leave" the woman in white says "how did i get here" you ask "you fell out the sky" a rabbit says "so all i have to do is fall out a tree great" you say leaving and walking into the woods "wait" they all say as you climb a tree "yes" you ask "what if it doesn't work" the twins ask "then I'll help you guys with whatever and try again in a few years" you say as you fall of the tree let's just say it didn't work when you wake up you saw the person with orange hair again "what's your name" you ask since you might be here a while "in mad hatter" he says as he gives you a tip of his hat 

after a few minutes of lying-in bed, you get out and storm into the ball room "ok what do we do now" you ask "well the red queen has been trying to kill everyone who is with the white queen" the rabbit says "so we kill her" you ask "we can't that's my sister" the white queen says "i have an idea" you say then everyone goes to bed 

the next morning you make a plain the plain was sneak in so you can get the red queen alone that didn't work you and everyone else got caught you all got brought to the throne room where the white queen was "is this the trespasser of my land" the red queen asked "yes i am and i would like to speak to you and you alone" you say "leave and throw them in cells" the red queen says after that she asks you "so why are you here" she asked "qui ante me stabunt ad magnitudinem amoris ibi cor" (who shall stand in front of me shall shrink to the size of the love in there heart) you say as she shrinks into a lady bug you put here in a jar and then command the cards to let your friends and everyone else out and they do 

after a few minutes your friends come into the throne room "here is your sister" you say handing the white queen the jar "what happened to her" she asked "she shrunk to the size of love in her heart she'll turn back when she learns how to love "you say then a guy in white points a gun at you and shoots you but you end up switching universes again "No not again!" you yell when you realize you're on a beach then you get shot with a tranquilizer 

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