Two can't keep a secret

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"She just got here"

The door to the bathroom swung back and forth. I stared at myself in the small mirror.

"Maddie, you have to tell her" Kalani moved closer to me, leaning on the sink counter. "If you don't tell her, she's gonna make a move, that's just Kendall."

She was talking to me as if I didn't know my own best friend. Of course I knew that Kendall was always outgoing and that if she wanted something, she'd find a way to get it.

"There's just stuff that you don't know, nobody knows" I turned my body around so that I was no longer facing my reflection.

"What kinds of stuff? Scratch I even wanna know?" I could hear the uneasiness in her voice, but of course she wanted to know. I had to tell someone. I was going to tell Kendall anyway so if Kalani knew it wouldn't be bad. And Kalani was my friend too.

I thought of telling her about my real first kiss. But that was something that wasn't just mine to share. But, I told her everything else.

"You were there when I told Gino I liked him or whatever, so I don't have to explain that right?"

"Yeah, remember the whole-I was behind the curtain-thing."

"Yeah so well, when I got home after the competition we barely talked for 2 whole weeks. Then, I'm sure you remember the night before Kendall's birthday party, when we were playing Q&A and I lied and said I liked Lucas and where I also found out Kendall had been talking to Gino this entire time.....and then I sort of had a bit of a breakdown.....thanks for helping me with that by the way... And then she invited him to the party and I ran into him right after Evan-one of Kendall's school friends-tried to kiss me and I just saw Gino out on the deck cause I was running from that kid. And then we talked and stuff and he told me that he hadn't forgotten what I had said-about liking him or whatever. And then I was like, well what does that mean? So I asked him to hang out the next day on my day off and he said he couldn't so I went over to Kendall's instead. And I knock on the door and guess who it is-him! He was just standing there and I was just so mad in that moment. And I was mad the whole time, and I still kind of just hate him so much. But like.....he told me that he liked me a lot and that he'd never felt that way about anyone so I guess what I did isn't that bad. I mean, I know I definitely shouldn't have done what I did but it was just all in the moment and I just-I don't know."

"What did you do Maddie?"

"I kissed him."

I had never seen Kalani so shocked. Was it that surprising? If anything I thought that would've been a predictable ending. Again I was forgetting that nobody knew how much I actually liked Gino.

I watched as Kalani lifted her arms, planting them on my shoulders like she was trying to shake me from a daze.

"You have to tell her" she looked me in the eyes, pleading. Kalani could never keep a secret. I was surprised that she thought I would actually tell her something and expect her not to tell anyone. By telling Kalani, I had basically already told Kendall. Because now, if I didn't tell Kendall, I knew for sure she would find out from someone else.

I had gotten lucky. Today was ballet, the one class me and Kendall didn't have together. Last year I had been promoted to the next level but Kendall was not. When we got the news, Kendall wanted to quit. She said, "What is the point of taking the same class all over again? But Abby would never let her quit. Quitting is not an option at the Abby Lee Dance Company.

My plan was to "run into" Kendall in the den. There I would tell her that I had to talk. As I had expected, she had arrived right on time. Well, right on time with my plan, she had actually arrived to the studio 5 minutes too late, considering that she still had to change into her leotard.

"Still not changed into your leo?" I said walking into the den. As according to plan or luck again, nobody else was in the room, leaving me and Kendall alone and free to talk.

"Please, I've got plenty time" Kendall shrugged taking off her sweats leisurely.

"Good, cause um, I have to talk to you about something" I walked towards the open staircase where she was standing by. I took a seat on the last step.

"Alrighty, but before you say anything I have something to tell you.." Kendall had no idea how horrible her timing was. I hadn't accounted enough time for her to tell me something unimportant.

"No really I have to tell you" I try to get her to listen.

"But this can't wait..okay so.." I reluctantly stop talking and wait for whatever she has to tell me.

"I'm gonna ask Gino out" a sick smile swipes across her face.

"What?" I wasn't sure I had heard her right.

"It's not that weird for a girl to ask a guy out. My sister basically did that with her boyfriend and now they've been happily dating for like 2 years!" so I had heard her right. Kendall would be the only girl that could actually pull that off.

"When did you even start liking him?" I questioned.

"I don't really know. I think it was on the bus ride on the way to the comp. We actually have a lot in common." she walked around the room casually, "I didn't tell you sooner because of the whole duet kiss thing. I hope your not mad about it or anything."

How could everything become so flipped? I had gone here to tell Kendall about everything with me and Gino. And now she was the one telling me about all their future plans. Of course I was mad, but I wasn't mad about her liking him, maybe just confused by that.

"Why would I be mad?" I was digging myself deeper into the lie I had created.

"Because I waited so long to tell you..." she answered quietly. If only she knew! It had been weeks and I hadn't even told her that I liked him, let alone all the other things that had happened.

"Omg no, I'm not mad" a breathy laugh escaped my throat.

"Okay..cause I actually really like him" I could see her face blush red and pink.

"Do you know if he likes you back?" I was so scared to hear her answer.

"No, I don't know. But he's left some pretty obvious hints and I'm hoping he'll tell me after I, you know, ask him out."

I wish I had the confidence to ask him out. If I had this disaster probably wouldn't be happening right now.

"Oh geez, I gotta go or I'm gonna be late. Tell me what you have to say later, okay?" Kendall quickly gathers up her stuff and is out of the den with 3 minutes to change into her leotard.

And somehow in that little amount of time I have managed to make things worse. Sitting, legs bent on the stairs, I realize that I can't keep my secret safe anymore. Kalani knows, and two can't keep secret.

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