06 | Not alone.

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Covert CIA Research Base

When they boarded the ship, Charles introduced both Erik and Eleanor to the CIA agents he works with on capturing Shaw.

He also asked them to join him and the CIA on this operation, since they knew Shaw best.

They all dried up and changed, then they were taken to Washington DC, where they met Charles' sister, Raven, she was also a mutant, apparently. Together, they all made their way to research base, it was one long car-ride away.

Eleanor was sitting between Charles and Erik, raven was on Charles' other side, car they were in was pretty wide, there was plenty of room for the four mutants in the back.

Eleanor spoke with Charles and Raven the whole ride, having small talks, getting to know each other, just trying to make new friends.

Yes, it sounds childish, but let's face it, she never had any actual friends, besides Erik.

Once they arrived, everyone started to get out of the car, Charles exited first, then helped Eleanor, holding out his hand for her to take, like a gentleman.

He seemed to like her already, he just talked to her all the way to the base, maybe even flirted a little, she couldn't really tell, Raven did rolled her eyes every now and then, when he said corny things.

She thanked him with a smile, taking his hand, she got out of the car with his help, nonetheless, Erik was quick to be at her side, not a minute later, he doesn't trust anyone around her, and in general.

Raven also seemed to take a liking to Eleanor, as did Eleanor to her, they made jokes and laughed together in the car ride, Eleanor loved her attitude, and they got along well enough.

Eleanor also took a liking to the woman called Moira, who was one of the CIA agents on the hunt for Shaw, she was a bit awkward, but very determined, she carried herself with an authoritative air to her.

The other CIA agent, she did not bother to know the name of, he was chubby, tall with big framed glasses, and shy demeanor, he started to talk about the place, saying something about this place being "a research base on paranormal powers in military defense".

"Or offense." Erik commented in retaliation, very sarcastically, Eleanor chuckled at that, and the two exchanged an amused and unimpressed glance. Charles made a disapproving face, and the man kept talking.

"This guy Shaw, Schmidt, whatever you want to call him, he's working with the Russians." He reviled, surprising Eleanor for a minute "We might need your help to stop him." He said.

"Might..?" She mumbled, they wouldn't definitely need their help, that wasn't a question. But she was quite confused, what the hell does Shaw have to do with Russia?

"Marvelous." Charles responded cheerfully, not so sarcastic as it should have been "So we are to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?" He asked the agent, it was clear he was excited.

"Something like that." The man answered simply.


After a tour in the building, a long one, since the place was very big, they were led over to a lab, walking in, they stopped and they just stood there, looking up at a jet of some sort.

"It's supersonic." A young man spoke.

He was tall, with brown hair, and blue eyes that were hiddenbehind big square glasses, he wore a lab coat and he stated talking about that jet, praising it, but Eleanor wasn't interested very much.

The agent introduced the guy as Hank McCoy and then introduced them to him, he explained how he's a "young talented researcher" or something like that, Eleanor didn't attempt to listen.

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