15 | The end.

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Erik slowly turned to see the man, finally, after all these years...

He will kill him.

"What a pleasant surprise." Shaw said, he stood inside of a room full of mirrors, soft neon blue lights all around him.

Erik moved forward, Eleanor stayed in her place, frozen again, she breathed heavily, her eyes glued to the floor, begging to disappear and never come back.

"So good to see you again."  Shaw told them, smiling, he gave the scared girl a look "What's wrong, kleiner?" He asked her, though, he had no care in his voice.

"Don't talk to her." Erik hissed at the man, he pushed her behind him as he always did when Shaw was around.

She tried to calm down, she has to focus, this is not the time to be a scared little girl, she needs to be serious, she needs to fight.

"Stay here, I will handle this alone." Erik whispered to Eleanor.

He didn't want her there, she will only get hurt or see things he doesn't want her to, he's not willing to take the risk.

"No, I can do this, I'll will face him." She responded, gaining her confidence, she let out a breath, a determined look on her face.

She can do this.

She will face him, she will face her greatest fear.

Erik nodded, despite his will to say no and command her to stay, he can't do it now, she won't listen anyway, so he grabbed her hand and entered the mirrored room with her.

The door closed behind them, they still held hands.

"May I ask you something?" Shaw asked Erik, once they were in the room.

"Why are you on their side?" He asked, turning to Eleanor "You, Ella, I understand.. You were always weak, too good hearted." He told her, then turned back to Erik "But you... I just don't understand." He said.

"Why fight for a doomed race, who will hunt us down as soon as they realize their reign is coming to an end?" He asked Erik once more.

Erik was tired of his words, he tried to punch him across the face, but because of Shaw's mutation, nothing happened, he only absorbed the force of the punch.

The two men had a stare-down, not saying anything, so Eleanor stepped forward "You're a coward." She told Shaw.

"She speaks." He responded, smiling at her.

Ugh, how she wants to wipe this sick smile off his face.

"Using two little kids who lost everything as your soliders, your puppets... You're a monster." She seethed at him in rage, finally finding her confidence.

"I'm sorry for what happened in the camps." He told them out of the blue.

Eleanor frowned in confusion.

He's sorry?

Oh, he's sorry??

He's sorry! He's sorry!!

She was furious, how dare he even say this after what he's done!?

"I truly am." He added, looking in her eyes.

Not a minute later, he tapped both her and Erik's foreheads, sending a small wave of energy that caused them to fly backwards, and hit their backs on the mirrored walls, breaking them.

They fell to the floor with a grunt, but the cracks in the wall helped Charles to re-connect to Erik's mind, realizing that, Erik turned to Shaw who spoke again.

Soulmate? // Charles Xavier <3                                        (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now