00 | Prologue.

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Eleanor Montefiore - or as she's solely known as, Eleanor Monte - was born in Frence, 1938, to a middle class, religious family, her father, David, was a book-shop keeper, her mother, Leah, was a house-wife.

David ane Leah were newly wed, with a new baby, and a life they only started to build, everything seemed perfect to them, they had a beautiful daughter and a nice house, their bookshop thrived, they had costumers all the time.

So naturally, the news about the upcoming war didn't bother them much at first, they believed, as many, that their country will never fall, that god will protect them,  that they will be safe.

They couldn't be more wrong...

Eleanor was merely one year old when the war started, a little baby, helpless, but I guess everyone is helpless when it comes to wars..

Their country, France, eventually fell under the enemy army of Nazi Germany in 1940, the two countries held a truce agreement, after that, France was divided, and the new French government overturned everything.

They failed to protect Eleanor's family, and many others, handing them over to the enemy's forces.

Eleanor was bound to grow up in the shadow of the war, at first, her people were discriminated, by law, their citizenship was revoked, anyone who worked in public services, their jobs were lost, taken away, and they were forced to wear the yellow star of david.

The the family's beloved bookshop was vandalized, completely destroyed, burned to the ground, all because of who they were.

they were in the lowest class they could be, they were treated like a pest, a pest that needs to be ridden of, even the ones that were once friends, acquaintances, customers...Were no longer any of that, they were nothing but hateful strangers.

But worst was yet to come.

Her parents, her entire family, her people, were rooted from their home, all their possessions and properties taken, they were forced to move to the south of France, there, they were segregated, living in arresting camps, where they endured horrors.

The Monte family remained in France, they were one of the last survivors of the arrest camp, until the beginning of 1944, when they were sent to Auschwitz, to die.

That was when Eleanor discovered her abilities, her mutation; Telekinesis, the ability to move things with the mind.

It all happened when an officer was taking her mother away, Eleanor screamed and cried, trying stop him, she tried whatever she could, pulling at his uniform, hitting him, nothing worked, he managed to knock her down easily.

She then felt a surge of anger and sorrow, boiling inside of her, she felt as if something is about to burst out, something like a great fire, that will burn up, tqke over her whole body and help her.

In the fit of the strong emotions, in the screams and cries she let out, things around them began to shake and fly in the air, it was like a hurricane.

The officer was terrified, he immediately let them all go, was the stories they were told about her people true? Were they really evil..? with unnatural powers..?

He called her a witch, the devil, he even tried to tell his superior officers, anyone that will listen, yet, no one believed him, they knew the blood libels, tales and myth stories they were told were all a lie.

But the story traveled, and it reached the ears of a certain mutant, that found himself very fascinated by this, he absolutely had to meet this young witch of a devil.

Eleanor was only six at the time, before arriving to Auschwitz, she was separated from her parents, her family, they were taken away, she doesn't know to where, somewhere, she never saw them again.

She was left all alone, in a foreign country... so young, too young, how could she mange? Without her mom to hold her hand, or her dad who would teach her to say prayers to calm her down.

She knows there's horrors in the world, she have seen many.. Too many.. But by now, she forgot most of the things she saw, maybe because of the passing years, or maybe just to protect her sanity, protect her from this cruel world.

But that's just the thing, evil people will always exist, no matter what... Cruel, power-lusting people with twisted minds, will always be there... Won't they?

Her people had suffered, They were hunted, hated, discriminated, dehumanized, murdered, massacred, slaughtered and butchered like animals..

Not for doing something wrong, not because they were criminals, no, their only crime was being different, having different beliefs, different lifestyle, just being alive, that was only it.

It's funny, to think that it was all done by humans, while it seemed so inhumanly.. Yet, her people were not the only ones, many minority groups has suffered along history.

But Eleanor never gave up, even with everything she went through, everything she saw... She just kept believing that some day it will change, some day everything will be ok.

It was hard, horrifying.

But she haven't lost faith, not yet.





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