S1/Song 03 - First Impression/Intermede

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-Doctor J, I've located the last AA nest here in Japan. I request permission for destroy it tonight-

The daytime had ended along with the classes, and (Y/n) found himself in the darkness of his room here on Lydian Academy talking via video chat with the Doctor Ver, who was the one in charge of supervise his actions during the Operation SS.

-But of course you have permission. After all, this is also one of your missions right? Almost all of the AA nest have been destroyed between you and the other four Symphogear users. Soon you will be able to return to the Moon to destroy all the relics you have found during those two years-

Only the lights of the three monitors in front of (Y/n) illuminated the dark room, and their light wasn't enough to make Ver see beyond (Y/n)'s face.

-There's still a relic here in Japan that must be destroyed. Im talking about the Sacrist D: (Gilbert) Durandal, which is in the deepest level of the Second Division, called Abyss. Something else I have to report is that during the last months numerous Nosie attack have occurred around the Lydian Academy. Since below Lydian are the Second Division's HQ probably the one behind those Noise attacks is trying to get the Sacrist D by forcing Second Division to transfer the relic to another location due to this being a school and many innocents students and school personal could die during those Noise attacks-

-As expected from the Perfect Solider and user of Brahmastra, always aware of the current situation first than anyone else-

-I could easily use Brahmastra to make my way to Abyss, but that will cause a massive collateral damage to the area around. I request assistance of one of the other four users to complete this mission. Has one of them done with their assignments?-

-Glad you asked for help. Actually Shirabe-chan just done with her missions in Central Asia so she could go and aid you. I suppose that her awaited encounter with Kirika-chan will have to wait a bit longer-

-Shul Shagana could do the work to infiltrate into the Abyss at perfection. But the matter is will Shirabe Tsukuyomi be willing to assist me? I'm aware that she's uncomfortable with any who is not Kirika Akatsuki-

-Oh (Y/n) don't worry about that tiny little problem-He said amused before adjusting his glasses on a way that (Y/n) couldn't see his eyes-Unfortunately for her, this is also part of our mission, so she will have to go aid you she likes it or not-

-Understood. I will start with the preparations for the Operation GG right away-

-Operation GG?-Ver rose a brow.

-Golden Gladius. Durandal was originally golden-


-I will later sent an email with in case I need something from the FIS-

-Prefect. With this ends the briefing. Have a good night-

-Likewise. (Y/n) out-

And with that he cut the transmission. The face of the Doctor Ver that was on the three monitors, vanished, revealing different screens on each monitor.

On the right monitor was an article about how Genjuro Kazanari was going to take in adoption the daughter of two decreased musicians named Chris Yukine, who disappeared four years ago.

On the central monitor was an article about the Ichival relic begin stolen ten years ago from Second Division when Fudo Kazanari, was at the command of the Second Division.

-Chris Yukine going missing again. The Ichival relic begin stole from such powerful organization like the Second Division. It's clearly who has behind those two incidents, and the Noise attacks around Lydian-

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