S1/Song 02 - First Impression/Overture

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-All right class, today we're having a new transferred student. Make sure to be nice with him and treat him like any other student-

The teacher announced her students. But she said a word that left all the girls on the class room confused.


By "Him" means that the new student is a boy right? And till today's date this academy has been only saw girls.

Though on the name of the academy don't says that is a school for girls, no male student has been seen studying in Lydian Academy.

-A boy, here?-

-I thought this school was just for girls-

-How do you think he will be?-

The chat didn't delayed on start, all the girls talking about the new student would be. While the teacher was trying to calm them down, Miku was worried about Hibiki, because she was late for class, again.

-Once again late....I wonder what may have occurred this time?-Miku thought for herself.

-Hey Hina, do you know where Bikky is?-Asked Kuriyo Ando

-She said that she had something to do  after lunch and hasn't come back yet-Answered Miku.

-She go to help the others again? Is like she was on a anime-Said Yumi Itaba, the Otaku of the class-But switching the topic, how you think the new boy will be? Do you think he will like anime as well!?

-Well, I don't know many boys so I can't guess how may he be-Said Shiori Terashima.

-(L/n)-san, you may enter now!-The voice of the teacher made everyone look at the door, that once open, revealed a young boy of around 156cm of height wearing what would be the male uniform of Lydian Academy.

Finding in front of the class, the young boy introduced himself

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Finding in front of the class, the young boy introduced himself.

-My name is (Y/n) (L/n)-

And that was all he said. The atmosphere on the class room was on and awkward and uncomfortable silence after his introduction. The teacher didn't knew how to change the current atmosphere on her class.

-A-all right (L/n)-san, why don't you take a seat next to...-The teacher was interrupted by (Y/n)

-Behind the door, get out, now-(Y/n) looked at the door with a more serious expression than before, followed by shoving his hand on his left pocket-One last time, get out, now-

The door cracked open slightly, revealing a nervous Hibiki Tachibana scratching the back of her head.

-Looks like my sneaky entrance failed,  hehehehehe~-She giggle nervous.

-Tachibana-san, and now what would may be the reason for being late to class again?-Asked a slightly angry teacher.

-Me?! A of course! Well I was returning to the a minor countertime occurred and I couldn't get to the school on ti.....-

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