S1/Song 05 - A new Duo in Town

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Shirabe was asleep on the darkness of her room, with a thin light pink nightgown covering her petite and feminine figure. Her breath was soft and gentle, and her facial expression calm and peaceful, like the one of an angel, which means that she was having swett and good dreams.

Unfortunate, her peaceful slumber was interrupted by a bright light that came from Y/n's room.

Still sleepy, Shirabe rose up from her warm and comfortable bed, stretching her limbs and rubbing her eyes. After a yawm, she began to make her way to Y/n's room.

On the horizon, the dawning Sun light was being blocked by the dark rain clouds. Clearly, today was going to be a rainy day. Carefully, Shirabe opened the door to see what was happening.

-Does he, never rest?-She asked herself seeing how Y/n was still working on their Symphogear.


A few hours ago Shirabe arrived at Japan and Y/n went to get her at the airport to take her to the house where they were going to stay during their time on Japan.

Now that Shirabe knew how to describe the feeling that she burried five years ago, her heart began to pound faster and her body began to warm up when she was around Y/n. Yet, due to her personality, Shirabe was capable to hide those feelings on her chest.

What she felt for him was something that she had forgot long ago, and after talking those feelings out to the light, they began to bloom again.

However, she simply couldn't say what she feel for him. Due to Y/n being a person so serious and so, apparently, empty of emotions that only you focus on his mission, Shirabe didn't  have a way to know how you would react once she told him what she felt for him, in addition to that Y/n did not seem to be interested in the love in any of their forms.

On their way to the house, Shirabe tried to establish a dialogue with Y/n, but in spite of the fact that she had gathered the courage to brush aside his social fear, the girl could not find a talking point with him.

At arriving, the young boy gave Shirabe a small tour around the house. It was a house with the perfect size for only two people to live in.

Due to the change of hour of Central Asia and separate Japan besides the fact that Shirabe arrived by night to the land of the rising sun, the small girl was somewhat drowsy. Having anticipated this, Y/n had prepared a room for her in advance, that way she would be able to rest once she had arrived.

- I will be in my room modifying the Gears. Tomorrow night we will begin the Operation GG. Remember knocking the door if you need something. Good night- Y/n said neutral as usual and without await for Shirabe's answer, he shut close the door of his room.

Shirabe let out a sigh after her attempts to chat with him failed. Even if she wanted to talk, it was still difficult with him behaving that way.

- I think I will take a bath before going to the bed....- Shirabe said to herself before heading to the bathroom.

Even though she was living with boy of her age in a house only for them, Shirabe didn't felt  uncomfortable neither fearful that Y/n would invade her privacy in some way, because; In spite of not knowing almost anything about, she knew somehow than he wasn't the kind of person what would do something like this.

Already on the bathroom, Shirabe closed the door behind her and began to undress. First, the girl took off her pink scarf, leaving it fell to the floor. Next, she proceeded to untie the bun on her waist, and then to withdraw the dark blue jacket that was covering her body, leaving it next to her scarf and bun.

The little Shirabe, finding herself half-naked looked at her reflection in the mirror, appreciating her young figure. In spite of the fact that she and Kirika had the same age, her body had not grown practically nothing in these two years. Turning her body while still facing the mirror and stretching her limbs, she saw that her physical composition was almost alike to Serena, which was two years minor than she....At least in appearance, since Serena's age was of eighteen years. Probably in one or two years, Serena's body would be more developed than hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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