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"Y/n tell me his plan," harry said as he pointed his wand at me

"I don't know it harry," I said.

"Liar!"he yelled in my face.

"Leave me alone potter," I told him.

"No I want answers," harry said my phone started going off.

"I don't have them harry," i told him as I tried to move he pushed me against the wall. I hit my head hard against the wall. I punched harry in the face he slapped me across the face as I laughed. I pushed him he tripped over my bags and fell backwards to the ground.

I got on top of him and started hitting him over and over. Harry pushed me off of me.

"Spectumsempra," harry casted the spell at me I dodged it as I kicked harry back and started running.

I grabbed my phone and hid behind the candy shop I called mattheo.

"Y/be here the hell are you are you panting," mattheo said as I was trying to catch my breath.

"Help he is chasing me,"I said when I saw hardy.

"Who is chasing you," mattheo said when hardy found where I was I hung up on mattheo. I ran down the alley way when I saw the order.

"The fuck," I said as they pointed their wands at me.

"Put the phone down!"sirus yelled.

"Look I don't want any trouble,"I said when hardy put a cloth over my face making me black out.

I woke up tied to a chair in a basement.

"Why is it always me!"I yelled as I tried to get out of the chair.

"Sirus I don't know about her," I heard someone say they appeared from the dark.

"Let me go I didn't do anything!"I yelled.

"Tell us what your father is planning," mr Weasley said I sighed as I stopped trying to leave the chair.

"I don't know I don't know a thing I swear,"I told them it was the truth

"Lies," Remus said.

"Crucio!"mad eye said as I screamed in pain in the chair.

"What is your fathers plan!"sirus yelled.

"I don't know anything!"I yelled through pain. Moody used his can to hit my arms I screamed in pain. Tears streamed down my face.

"Tell us what you know!"remus yelled.

"I don't know anything! He never tell me anything!"I said through screams.

"Stop it she has been through enough moody," author said as he lifted the curse my nose was bleeding as tears streamed my face as I tried to catch my breath.

"Who knows," sirus said.

"I am not telling you that," I said

"You don't have a choice y/n," Remus said.

"Tell us!"moody yelled as he hit my arms with the cane mutliple times. I screamed in pain each time.

"I can't tell you," I said because the only people I was thinking of was Tom and mattheo who were deatheaters.

"Y/n tell us and all of this will be over," sirus said.

"Your lying no one ever tell the truth to a riddle the lie to them no matter how much kindness I give everyone is stuck on the last name!"I yelled as moody hit me in the face with a cane.

"Crucio!" Moody said as I started screaming in pain I saw sirus on my phone he started calling someone as I screamed in pain as tears streamed down my face.

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