The train ride

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I woke up as I put on my robes for Hogwarts.

"Are you ready," Mattheo asked as he came in.

"Not yet," I said as he sat on my couch.

"Hurry up," Mattheo said as I threw a pillow at him it hit him on the head. I burst out laughing as I started to do my hair.

When I was done I heard mom and dad yelling downstairs again.

"I hate how they always fight, "Mattheo said.

"Me too the least they can do is pretend," I said while grabbing my trunk as we went down the stairs with our things. Tom was downstairs with his things.

"Why can't you ever just stop!" mom yelled.

"She is the reason we are in this situation I only want sons!" dad yelled it felt like a stake in my heart.

"Thanks, dad," I said while leaving the front door with my things.

"Y/n come back here!"dad yelled I left my things on the porch and walked back inside. I went in front of him.

"You are like me you will do as I say!" he yelled in my face.

"I am not what you think I am I'm not like you," I said I didn't care anymore.

"Do not speak to your father like that!" Mom yelled at me.

"You are my daughter and you will do as I say imperio!" Dad yelled my pupils turned white when I stood there emotionless I couldn't control my body.

"Hold them back," Bellatrix said when two death eaters came out from the dark and grabbed Mattheo and Tom.

"Go up the stairs daughter and at the top stand on the railing," dad said I walked to the staircase and started to go up the stairs slowly.

"Stop it!"Mattheo yelled

"She is gonna fall!" tom yelled I was at the top and climbed onto the railing. I tried to keep my balance steady.

"Stand on one leg," dad said I did as he told me but I suddenly slipped.

"Y/n!" tom yelled I closed my when I felt someone catch me I opens them and saw Tom panting with his arms wrapped around me holding me.

"As long as I'm here no one can hurt you," Tom said to me my eyes turned back to normal.

"All of you to Hogwarts!"Mom yelled tom put me down.

"Now!"dad yelled Mattheo Tom and I basically ran outside with our things. We saw our carriage arrive and we went inside with our things. I was zoned out as my brothers talked.

"y/n you alright," Mattheo said in parseltongue so the driver couldn't understand us.

"fuck off," I told him in parseltongue.

"I still can't believe I caught you in time," Tom said in parseltongue.

"god damn," Mattheo and I said at the same time in parseltongue. Looking out the window seeing thestrals flying.

"This doesn't feel right to me," Mattheo said in parseltongue.

"guys were almost at kings cross station," Tom said in parceltongue.

"wow how great," I said.

"so exciting," Mattheo said sarcastically.

"yo both are full of shit," Tom said as the carriage parked. When we left we grabbed our things and walked to King's cross station. We all had cold looks on our faces.

"hey y/n," Cormac said he always tried to flirt with me every year.

"What do you want," I said in a stern tone.

"Wanna go out with me," Cormac said I rolled my eyes.

"You are obsessed just let it go," I told him Mattheo chuckled as tom hit the back of our heads to make us keep walking.

"I swear every fucking year," I said in parseltongue.

"yeah Tom and I don't even bother making him go away anymore," Mattheo said in parseltongue.

"He needs to suck it up and stop obsessing over you," Tom said in parseltongue.

"suck it up," Mattheo and I said at the same time agreeing with tom.

"Hey guys," Draco said going into the train with us.

"Hey," I said

"Evil," I heard a hufflepuff say.

"They're evil,"A gryffindor said as we walked by them.

"most definetly," A ravenclaw said when we tried to make our way down the compartments.

"evil," Another student said.

"move out of my way," I said to Seamus who was in my way he moved aside as I scoffed.

"ornery and Scandouls," Seamus said.

"and evil," Neivelle said

"most defietly," Ginny said. I scoffed we went into a clytherin compartment. Draco sat next to Tom I sat next to mattheo.

"Move I wanna sit next to y/n," Thedore said to mattheo as he came in.

"oh fuck off she is my twin," Mattheo said grabbing me and pulling me closer to him.

"what about me I wanna sit next to y/n," Lorenzo said.

"no," Mattheo said getting protective over me.

"mattie stop," I said as he let me go. Lorenzo pushed mattheo aside as he st next to me and theodore sat on the other side of me.

"wow you two are obbseive," Blaise said coming in with pansy siting next to draco and tom.

"amused blaise," Draco said.

"very,"blaise said.

"y/n check out what we got yesterday," Lorenzo said taking out a quill.

"what is this," I said looking at the quill.

"a quill dumbfuck," Mattheo said grabbing it from lorenzo.

"No shit Sherlock," I responded.

"its a blood quill fucking retards," Tom said as I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed.

"oh shut up you peice of shit," I told tom.

"they're so nice," Theodore said.

"they're so nice," Blaise and raco said at the same time.

"anyway I heard there is going to be a new dada teacher this year," Pansy said.

"I heard it was moody," Theodore said. I stayed silent.

"The guy who is crazy" Blaise said.

"yes that one," Mattheo said.

"no one asked you," Draco told him

"no one asked you either," he said.

"whatever you shit head," I told him.

"is this how its going to go the whole trainride," Pansy said.

"Probably," Lorenzo said.

"I swear you guys are the worst," Tom said.

"your girlfriend is always sucking on my dick like a slim jim stick so next time you go down on her clit tell me how my dick tastes tell me how my motherfucking dick tastes!" Mattheo yelled.

"Your dead!" Tom yelled they both got up and satrted wrestling on the ground.

"oh my fucking god!" I yelled I grabbed mattheo by the arm and pulled him up. Tom got up and I stood in the middle of both of them.

"the next fucking time you fight you both will have to go through me understand," I said they stayed silent.

"do you fucking understand!" I yelled at them

"yes y/n," They bost said as they sat back down. I sat down and the rest of the train ride we all talked and stopped fighting eachother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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