Chapter five:Two people on the crux are fighting....again...

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I'm going to put some genshin memes since my storage is dying really fast-

Komi's POV:
It took me half an hour to get back on the crux and thankfully they didn't leave.

I climbed my way up on the crux to hit back to the wooden floor to hear kazuha and beidou fighting...

They were arguing about someone..more

I could care less because I'm sick and tired of them fighting.


Everyone was looking at me and there was a moment of silence.

Before kazuha ran up to hug me so tight that I was gasping for air..oh gosh..

It felt suffocating...literally

So I hitted his back gently

"Kazu-! Air! Air!"
"Kazuha komi is asking for're choking her..."

Beidou said and kazuha saw that my face was purple so he loosen his grip to which I can finally breathe again

I saw that the sun was going down and was almost to turn to night or as people would say "evening"

So I pointed at the sky to make them see that the sun was setting down fast

"Shouldn't have the crux gone back to liyue a long time ago?"

Everything went silent until beidou spoke.

"About that...after we were on the crux we couldn't find you so we went around inazuma to look for you we didn't even notice it was evening already"

"...that is kind of true beidou but why were you guys fighting in the first place about someone?"

Everything went silent until a crewmate spoke

"Cap...caption beidou and kazuha were fighting about yo-"
I almost heard him until beidou gave him a look telling him to shut up

I sighted

"Okay I'll be gaurding the crux as usual so all of you guys can go to slee-"

"How about you go to sleep today komi?"
I was interrupted by kazuha even tho I finished mostly of my sentence.

"Fine..but who's going to watch the ship?"

"Nothing happened for the last few months since you were watching over the crux so it's fine to take a break once in a while right komi?"

I sighted knowing kazuha was right so I obliged

"Fine..just this once but everything will be normal after this, I watch over the crux and you guys sleep while doing so deal?"


I went to my room and waited til I was asleep and slept not knowing two presence infront of me.

"Got the chains kazuha?"

"Of course captain beidou...our sweet darling will be with us for matter the cost of how much blood we spilt"

"We should tie her up now.."

I wish I never went to sleep nor agreeing to kazuha...

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What a short chapter like all of my other ones I finally finished it
I also did this on an island while walking sooo
Yeah hope you enjoyed it and see you in the next chapter :)

And I'll go some other POV'S of the other yanderes that komi saw or is with
530 words

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