Chapter 18

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I broke. I can't believe I let that happen.

"I'm so sorry!"
"I'll be better!"
"Forgive me!"

That keeps replaying inside my head over and over. They didn't need to see that. They didn't deserve that stress.

I guess all that guilt piled up too far. I just wish it didn't explode out like that. I wish I could have kept it inside. Instead, I reverted to my old way. Getting on my hands and knees and constantly apologizing.

I wish they didn't see that.

God, I can only imagine how much more worried Slenda and Smiley are now-one thing after another.

At least Slenda and I are talking again! That makes me a little happier.
Even still, I've got this empty feeling in my heart. And I don't know what it is. It makes me feel hollow. Bordering on a painful lack of emotion except for regret and guilt.

I'm such a burden...

It's bad when people you haven't met come and check up on your health-the thing I've been avoiding from happening. I never wanted anyone to worry about me or see me in noticeable pain. Granted, I never thought I'd break down like that. It has been so long since I've done that.

A knock on my door alerted me to someone's presence. Getting that feeling of being protected, I knew who it was.

"Please come in!" I called out, trying to block out those thoughts.

Slenda teleported into the room, not bothering with the door.

"Feeling any better?" She asked, stepping over to me.

I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm feeling alright." I said with a genuine smile. I was so happy to see her. It felt like the darkness in my heart and mind had been lit up by the largest sun. That empty pain was filled with joy.

"Are you really?" She asks, sitting on my bed.

I was about to answer but stopped myself. I looked down at the floor, my smile fading away as that temporary light faded away once again. Like the sun had set with no moon in sight. I felt better for a second when I first saw her. But when I even dare to think about it, I feel horrible. I dropped my shoulders and sighed deeply. It looked like my upper body went limp.

"Slenda, I don't know." I admitted. "One second, I feel fine. Then the next, I don't." I then began to move my arm up and down like a wave. "I feel like I'm on a roller coaster."

Slenda sighed and stuffed her head into her hands.

"God, I'm such a horrible person." She berated herself. "I should have known this stuff the first day you were here..."

"No, don't blame yourself." I pleaded. "I'm the one who hid stuff."

She then looked up at me. Even though she had no facial features, I could see everything written on her face. That saddened aura she let off was strong, and it influenced my emotions. It made me want to reach out and embrace her. Make her feel better; get rid of that sadness.

"I knew you weren't stable and let it get worse."

I hung my head, starting to hate myself once again. It just keeps building up! What a stupid, idiot, foolish person I am. Hm, yes, hiding something dangerous is such a good idea! I might as well be that idiot who gets bit in zombie movies and tells nobody. All of this because I lied and kept secrets for too long.

"I'm sorry, Slenda!" I apologized, lunging at her and wrapping my arms around her as tightly as possible.

I rested my head on her shoulder and tried to cover as much surface area as I could. She wrapped her arms around me, accepting my embrace.

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