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So, are you sure you're along for the ride? Okay, don't say I didn't warn you about what's about to happen.

"You useless cunt! Can't you do anything right!"

Yup, right off the bat, I'm immediately getting repeatedly hit with a belt and screamed at. For what reason, you may ask? Well, I added just the slightest bit too much pepper to my mom's food. Even though she said she wanted a lot... 

Don't worry. I don't feel anything. I've gotten used to this stuff, so I don't feel the pain any longer. The only thing that really affects me is the loud and obnoxious voice of my mother. God, could she ever shut the fuck up? 

She stopped hitting me for a second.

I pushed my body into a sitting position, admittedly feeling a bit weak. I may not feel the pain, but the attacks are definitely damaging my body and causing my muscles to want to commit rope neck.

"If I'm useless, then you're a waste of space." I struggled to say as I coughed and chuckled.

I could tell I hit a nerve by saying that.

"How dare you speak to your own mother like that!" She yelled before slapping the belt across my ribcage. 

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even exist!" She continued, hitting my ribs again. IN THE EXACT SAME FUCKING SPOT!!!

She hit me fifteen more times, every strike, the belt wrapped around my body before being forcefully yanked away, creating burn marks across my side, the metal buckle hitting my back.

She stopped again.

"Apologise." She demanded.

I coughed again.

I'm starting to have enough, I could feel anger coursing through my body.

"I wish you weren't around so I would have never been birthed by hellspawn such as you." I said.

But I can't do anything about it. If I tried to get up, she'd just put me back on the floor. There would be no possible way I could fight back, and even if I did, I would have my father to deal with next. If you think this is bad, it's nothing compared to what my father would do.

I saw her clench a fist before she pulled back the belt for one last finishing blow. That did it. 

She then slammed the belt down, making sure to hit my face with the metal buckle. 

The impact of the buckle on the soft part of my temple sent a hard wave of spikes of pain shooting through my head. My vision went fuzzy, and my hearing went into a scream of ringing. You know, that's the first time I've felt pain like this in a while. How hard did she hit me? I swear to fuck if she put a mark there... I won't do anything because,

"You're so weak and worthless. Maybe one day you'll learn your lesson and do as told." She said, looking down at me.

My breathing felt labored. Every movement of my chest felt like it took more and more strength.

"Now get up and take a shower so I can clean the floor, so blood doesn't stain the wood." She commanded.

I pushed myself to my knees and looked up at my mother. I felt dizzy and weak. I could feel the blood in my mouth from my coughing. 

"Move!" She barked, pulling her hand back, preparing another attack.

I pushed myself off the floor, my legs shaking when at full height. Being at full height, I am a foot taller than my mom. I could raise my hands a little bit and wrap them around her neck and raise her into the air. Have her hang there as she flailed around, trying to break from my grasp. She would suffer a slow and miserable death as she suffocates from a lack of oxygen. I could watch the life drain from her eyes as her body finally went limp, and she hung above the floor.

The Light Behind The Dark (Male Reader X All Female CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now