Chapter 19

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As Y/n's eyes finally began to adjust to the midday sunlight, his squint faded away as he moved his hands out of the way. That once blinding white is now the beautiful sight of the front yard, just beyond the porch. The sudden urge to venture into the forest and aimlessly walk for hours on end started to form inside Y/n. Like a call was trying to pull him to the tree line. Though, he knew there was no way he'd be able to do that. He can already tell Jane's going to force him to socialize.

"No jacket or shoes?" Benny asks.
Y/n's answer was a shake of his head. "I find the temperature comfortable."
This earned a weird look from Benny. She pulled her phone from her pocket, turning the screen on. "Pfft." Sounded from her. She then turned her wrist to show the screen to him. She used her thumb to point at something. The temperature. "It's 52 degrees (F) (12 C) and you're not freezing to death without a coat? In short sleeves..." Y/n shrugs once again. "I've been in colder nearly naked. I find this more comfortable than the warm house." Benny's eyes widened and her mouth hung agape. That look of surprise earned a laugh from Jane.

"Well, let's get this over with." Jane says, starting to walk away, her hand still tightly gripped around Y/n's wrist, pulling him along. Benny was still frozen in place. Many thoughts ran through her perverted mind.
Though, when the other two were down the steps, she quickly caught up to them.
"So, like, when you say "nearly naked" and "in colder" what do you mean?" Benny asks using air quotes. Y/n laughed a bit and said, "You're really caught up on this, aren't you?" He looked at her with a smile. Her face was still trying to comprehend how it was possible. Her mind flashed images, trying to think of what it was. "Well, I was only in my underwear, and it was about 30 degrees, maybe just a tad bit colder." Y/n explained. "And you didn't get frostbite or hypothermia!" "Oh, no, I did." Y/n said. "Well, not that first part. I was lucky my neighbors liked me, or else I would have." Benny was a bit hunched over as her mouth was still wide open. "Why?" "My dad kicked me out. Said, "Maybe this will make you appreciate what we give you" or something like that. I don't know, it's been a few years. Things just start to blend together after a while."
Y/n could feel Jane's grip on his wrist tightens as an audible "Tsk." escaped her.

Benny's lip raised as she had this disgusted look on her face. "Fuck him!" She yells. Y/n flinched a bit, the sudden loud voice scaring him. "How could someone do something like that?! You could have died from that!" Benny crosses her arms as that disgust turned to anger. "How are they not in jail?" Jane asks. "Why didn't you report them?"

This is the last thing Y/n wants to talk about. His head drooped as his hands turned into fists. He felt a mix of emotions. None of them were positive.
"Fear can keep someone in line." Y/n says, his voice very quiet. "Besides, my dad was a good cop. I was afraid nobody would believe me." He unclenched his fists, the anger he felt turned to unhappiness. "And I was scared if they found out I told anyone, they'd kill me. Survival instincts or whatever you call it. That's why I never told a single soul. Lied about everything." Y/n inhaled and looked at the sky, trying to keep the tears in.

Jane and Benny looked at Y/n with worried eyes.
"Sorry." Benny apologized. "I know what it's like..."
Another shrug from Y/n. He didn't speak as the words he was going to say got caught in his throat. Jane would have cut him off anyway. "Yeah, yeah. It doesn't bother you." Jane says. She then inhaled heavily. "Y/n, can you tell me something?" She asks. "Of course." He responds, turning his head to look at her, trusting her to lead him safely as she faced forward. "Do you lie compulsively?" His eyes widen to the size of golf balls as his breathing halts. "As the 'Grudge Queen', I can tell you're lying. You can hear it in your voice. In the way you speak. Your body language! The way every time you're forced to speak about them, you seem to slump down, try to seem smaller, like you're trying to hide. That, or you'll look sad and depressed, but try to play it off. You're very expressive and easy to read, Y/n. Though, that's what I like about you." She exhaled, letting all the breath from her lungs. "Just stop lying. It's not healthy to act like everything is okay when it's pretty clearly not."

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