The Spoon

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It night time at the Wattersons' house

Richard:Okay, kids!Mom will be home any minute now. Have you all wrapped your birthday presents?

Gumball,Bea,Darwin and Anais hold up their wrapped presents

Gumball,Bea,Darwin and Anais:Yay!

Anais:And you, Dad, what did you get her?


Gumball,Bea,Darwin and Anais:What?!

Richard screams in panic

Richard:AAAH! I forgot! What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?!What... am... I... gonna... do?! 

He sobs

Anais:How about you buy her a present?

Richard:Yes!Wait. No. I have to watch the kids. Hmm... Hey, guys. You don’t have to watch the kids. 

He hands a bill to Gumball

Richard:Here’s a twenty. Go buy her something special— from the gas station.

Gumball,Bea and Darwin:Yay! Adventure!

Anais watches them leave, then facepalm


o the Gas Station

Gumball,Bea and Darwin giddily running in

Larry asleep, then gets startled awake by the door beep

Larry:Yah! Welcome to the Gas Station, where we never sleep, cause we're not allowed to...

Gumball,Bea and Darwin:Hi, mister!

Sal Left Thumb enters the Gas Station behind the kids

Larry:Can I help you?

Sal Left Thumb:Yeah.Can it and hand over the cash.

Larry:Ha ha... What?

Sal Left Thumb Don't make me use this! 

He pulls out a rusty spoon

Larry:Oh my gosh... He’s got a spoon! 

He starts running in circles

Larry:He’s got a spo— 

He smacks into the glass wall surrounding the register and falls unconscious

Sal Left Thumb:Ha. Sucker.

Security camera footage shows Sal dragging Larry out of the register area

With Darwin,Bea and Gumball

They walking towards the register, with Gumball holding a card

Darwin:Show it again! Show it again!

Gumball:Okay, but it’s the last time. We have to get it back home.

Gumball holds up the card. It’s a holographic card that switches between a woman sitting in a park and an amazon standing in fire


Darwin:It’s like the best gift ever!

Gumball:Yeah, Mom’s gonna love it!

Gumball,Bea and Darwin walk up to the window, where Sal is rapidly pulling money out of the register. Gumball taps on the window, startling Sal

Gumball:Excuse me, sir, what are you doingAre you robbing the store?!

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