The Refund

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The Wattersons' house,Gumball,Bea and Darwin are holding a game cartridge

Gumball:Look,guys.We waited more than seven months for this.

Darwin:I know! We waited so long, I had time to grow hair.

Gumball and Bea:Huh?

Darwin shows his leg, which is covered in thick hair

Gumball and Bea:Whoa.

Gumball:May I touch it?

Darwin:You may.

Gumball strokes Darwin's leg


Darwin:Thanks.Come on!Put the game on!

Gumball opens the disc tray

Gumball:Come on, come on.Oh, there you are. 

He attempts to insert the cartridge in the disc tray, but it obviously does not fit

Bea:What going on?

Gumball:There's something wrong with it!

Darwin:Try the other way around! 

He shakes flippers.Gumball tries again, to no avail

Darwin:Come on!Can't you see I'm practically flipping my flippers?

Gumball:What is that supposed to mean?

Darwin anxiously flapping his flippers


Gumball:I can't! It's not working!

Darwin stops flipping his flippers

Bea got up and looks at the game cartridge

Bea:I think we got stiffed.

At Ripley 2000

Larry:I'm sorry, kids, but it's store policy.I can't give you a refund.

Gumball:What?You have to! We asked you a ton of questions before we bought it,remember?


Gumball:What's bigger—a lion or a tiger?

Larry:A tiger.

Bea:Why is the sky blue?

Larry:Diffraction of light through nitrogen.

Darwin:Can anything escape from a black hole?

Larry:Not unless it's a superheated quasar.

Gumball:What is 2,352 times 1,035?


Bea:If you know all this stuff, how come you're a store clerk?

Larry:Look,you want this game or not?

Gumball pulls out the game

Gumball:We'll take it.

Back to present time

Larry:Actually, you never asked me anything about the game.

Gumball:Oh.You're right. 

He,Bea and Darwin look down

Gumball:But whatever!You have to give us a refund!It's been less than twenty-four hours!

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