The Picnic

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Inside the Bus

Miss Simian:Everyone, look at your maps. This is the route we'll be taking to the picnic area.We go along the path, avoiding the Forest of Doom,down the ravine, avoiding the Forest of Doom, along the lake, still avoiding the Forest of Doom,and arrive at the picnic area. Understand?

Students:Yes,Miss Simian.

Darwin:Did she say avoid or go through the Forest of Doom?

Gumball:What would you do without me or Bea,Darwin?She said go through the Forest of Doom.Am I right,or am I right, Miss Simian?

Gumball,Bea and Darwin look toward the front of the bus

Gumball,Bea and Darwin:They're gone!

Bea: Don't worry, buddy.Stick with me, and you'll be just fine.

Gumball:We'll get to that picnic area long before they do.

In the Forest of Doom

Darwin:You still got the map, right?

Gumball:Of course.I swallowed it, then memorized it.

Darwin:Oh, does that work?

A tree behind Darwin makes faces and growls at him;Darwin shrugs and walks away as it laughs evilly

Gumball:Darwin,you know what's important in a situation like this?

Bea:A map?

Gumball laughs loudly, then sighs


Darwin:Oh.I was gonna suggest that.

Gumball:Don't worry,buddy.You guys part of my team,and I'm a born survivor!

Bea:I'm glad i'm on your team.

Darwin:Me too!Hey, little squirrels! 

He walks off

Squirrel:They'll never get out of here alive.

Squirrel 2:We'll feed on their carcasses!

Gumball:All we have to do to find our way, is to follow nature's clues.

Bea:What clues?

Gumball:The wind is one clue. Listen.

Wind:You're going the wrong way.

Darwin:What did it tell you?

Gumball:It said we're going the right way! 

A can knocks him in the head

Wind:I said wrong way!

Gumball:Yep!Definitely!This is the way! 

Gumball,Bea and Darwin trot off


At a cliff

Darwin:Oh.I guess the wind is wrong.

Gumball:Don't worry! I shall follow Miss Simian's smell! 

He,Bea and Darwin begin sniffing

Gumball:That way. 

They find a stinky outhouse


Darwin:It kinda smells a bit like her.

Gumball:That's fine. We shall find our way using the stars!

Bea:But the sun is out.

Gumball:The sun is a star,Bea.Let's look directly at it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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