Chapter 2

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After a long ferry, you took this time to learn about Alola a bit from the friendly crew that was taking care of this ferry ride. Chimecho was happy and excited to be out and about while we were out at sea. You were very young when you were last there so the memories that didn't involve your parents were quite fuzzy.

A sudden memory comes to mind every now and then. You have even had dreams about it. A boy with black hair and tan skin. He was holding my hand and taking me somewhere? You don't quite remember.

"Friendly passengers! We are going to be reaching the Mele Mele Island port in a matter of 15 minutes! So please remember to take all your belongings with you and enjoy your summery paradise!" A voice on the intercom wakes you from your train of thought.

You quickly call over to Chimecho as you run over to the front of the ferry to see a gorgeous island.

"Woah...!" Your eyes widen enjoying the warm salty breeze brushing along your skin.

You pull out your camera and take a picture. A film not too long after slips out and you wait for it the gorgeous image of the island to slowly pop up. You smile happily and carefully put the image away into a notebook.

Mele Mele Island! My new home!

Once the ferry made it to the island you make your way to the exit being greeted by many friendly faces. As you were about to leave someone approaches you.

"Alola!" They greet you with a wide smile.

"Oh! Uh! A...Alola!" You greet back a bit flustered with a smile and Chimecho cries out happily.

"You must be new! Welcome to Mele Mele Island! I hope you enjoy your stay!"

"Thank you so much!~ I am happy for the lovely greetings. Umm...," You pull out a piece of paper and look up at the friendly person.

"Do you know how to get to Professor Kukui's place?" You felt a bit embarrassed as you fidget the paper in your hand.

"I heard my name?" A male's voice makes you squeak in surprise as you look over your shoulder to be greeted by a tall shirtless male wearing only a lab coat with baggy grey pants.

To top it off he is wearing a cap with a rainbow and teal framed glasses.

Interesting fashion sense.

"Hm? Is there something wrong?" Kukui looks at you curiously.

"Ah! I...I am sorry! I just! M...My mom told me to find you," You sounded like a kid who lost their parent this is embarrassing.

The other person who greeted you said their farewells and wished me luck before leaving.

"Your mom? What is your name kid?" Kukui lifts a brow in confusion.

"My mom's name was Canna. I'm her only child. I am Lorelei," You pull out your locket and show him the picture inside of it.

His eyes widen in surprise.

"Canna?! I haven't heard from her in years! It's been way too long since I last heard from my aunt! How is she?" Kukui rubs the back of his neck with a smile.

"Ah... mom she...," You quickly grew a grim expression on your face.

"Oh... I'm so sorry kid. How long has it been?"

"It's been about 8 years," You try not to cry.

Kukui's face softens at the young girl in front of him and pets your head. You cry a little wiping the tears. Chimecho awaits next to you with a worried expression on their face.

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