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7 months later

"Hey Ten, where are you going?" Taeyong shouted when Ten was leaving his dorm. Yep, his. Jaehyun asked Tayong to move in with him two months ago to be exact.

Taeyong didn't want to leave his best friend alone but the younger one assured him he would be okay and he was not a kid after all.

So Taeyong decided to live with his, finally boyfriend.

"To the club." he answered hiding his phone in the pocket of his jacket. "But you don't have shift today..." the older one raised his eyebrow searching for his hoodie, he forgot to take with him to Jaehyun's who was now living in the big house after Johnny left to US.

Ten turned around while resting his hand on the door handle. "Yeah but..." he sighed.

Taeyong looked at him for a moment, then threw his hoodie walking over. "Ten are you still drinking?!" he was mad. His friend promised him he would stop doing this. "I-i..." he stuttered.

"Ten you promised! I thought I can trust you!" he shouted shaking him. "Please don't hurt yourself anymore..." he asked almost crying. He was so worried about him.

Ten bit his lip then smiled sadly. "It's okay Tae, I'm just visiting Lucas, because he works today." he stroked his shoulder. "Don't worry about me Tae..." he added then hugged him and left the dorm.

After a while he reached the place where he worked since few months.

"Hi hyung, what are you doing here?" Lucas asked when the older one sat down in front of the bar. "Give me something you got." he sighed resting head on his hand. "Come on Lucas, don't look at me like that." he rolled his eyes when he noticed his friend's gaze.

Lucas shook his head preparing the drink for his friend. He was secretly looking at him. He was there almost everyday excluding his work time... Lucas knew what happened because one night when he helped him reach his place Ten told him everything crying in his arm.

"Taeyong will be mad at you hyung." he gave him his drink. Ten just looked at him taking the glass and drinking it immediately. "Hey!" Lucas shouted but Ten smiled and didn't say anything.

"He can't know Lucas. It would break his heart." he explained resting his head on the bar desk. "How is Jungwoo?" he asked closing his eyes.

"He is okay. He is still at the cafe because his stupid boss made him work overtime." he hissed wiping glasses then putting them away. "He should quit. This old man mistreats him because he is too nice to refuse..." he said with heavy voice. "He doesn't want to listen to me tho..."

"You have to try..." Ten put up his head. "Can you give me this?" he pointed at blue drink on the shelf behind Lucas. The younger one looked at the drink then at his friend. "It's strong I won't give it to you." he answered. "Oh come on." Ten started to being annoyed.

"Hi guys!" the person said sitting next to Ten. "What's going on?" Xiaojun chuckled when he noticed Ten's behaviour. "He wants to drink."

"Dejunah tell him to give me this." he pointed at the blue drink. "If he wants that then give it to him." he shrugged looking at Lucas. "But-"

"Trust me, he will blame only himself. He has to learn by his own." he added. He met Ten at the bar few moths ago. It came out they were going to highschool together.

Since then, Xiaojun drinked with Ten, and also tried to help him when he needed this. "Okay but it is you who will help him to reach his home." he said before pouring the drinks. "I won't deal with this anymore."

Light my cigarette,, johntenWhere stories live. Discover now