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In the evening, they decided to go back to Johnny's house. His mother wasn't home so they were alone.

"Um, where should I sleep?" Ten asked when they entered Johnny's room. It was even bigger than back in Seoul. But should he be surprised? Probably not.

Johnny looked at him. "With me?" he chuckled. But seeing Ten's face his smile faded away. "I mean, if, if you are comfortable with this. If not I can lead you to the room next to mine..." he corrected himself. They indeed got back together but it wasn't as colorful as at the beginning.

"It's okay. I will stay here." The smaller one replied after he noticed Johnny's embarrassment. It wasn't a big deal. Just sleeping in one room.

And bed.

Nothing bad would happen.

"Aren't you bored with this color on your head?" Ten asked touching Johnny's slightly long hair. Johnny looked at the mirror hanging on the wall next to the big armchair. "I didn't actually think about that." he admitted and looked at his boyfriend. "What do you think?"

"I thing you should change it." he said right away. "You know like a good change." he added feeling anxious.

The truth was his hear was remainding Ten about what happened... It was stupid but he just couldn't stop thinking about that.

"Do you want to help me dye them, then?" the older one suggested with a smile. "Really?" Ten blushed and Johnny nodded. "But do you have a hair dye?" he raised one of his eyebrows.

Johnny hought for a moment heading somewhere. "It depends what color we want." he said before leaving the room. "I think... black would be great!" Ten smiled imagining black haired Johnny in his head.

After a few minutes Johnny came back holding the thing they needed. "How?" Ten opened his eyes widely. "I found in my mom's bathroom." he chuckled.

"Wouldn't she be mad?" Ten tensed. He didn't want to scolded later by her, right after the talk their had. "She probably don't even know she have those." he rolled his eyes. "Come here." he said heading to his bathroom.

"Okay, you have to sit somewhere." he thought for a moment. Johnny took the chair from his room and put it next to the sink. "Brilliant. Sit down!" he told him.

"Yes princess." he chuckled, which made Ten his his arm. "Ouch, here we go again..." he complained. "Let's start." Ten ignored him preparing the mixture and wore the gloves. "Wait, take off you shirt." he said not wanting to make it dirty. "If you want me naked you can just ask." he teased him getting rid of the material.

Ten tried not to look at his body but he had perfect view at his skin in the mirror. He licked his lips without even knowing, but fortunately the older one didn't notice that.

He started slowly spreading the black paint on his hear, succsessfully covering all fair places. They didn't talk during this. They didn't have to.

"Okay, now you have to wait around twenty minutes, or forty wait." he said reading the back of the box. "Well, I don't want to be bald so better choose twenty minutes." Johnny laughed nervously. "Yep, twenty, and don't worry I did that a lot when I was younger." he confessed.

"You did?"

"Yeah..." he nodded cleaning the mess and throwing everything to the bin along with his dirty gloves. Johnny didn't say anything, he just came closer to Ten and hugged him embracing his waist from the back.

Light my cigarette,, johntenWhere stories live. Discover now