[ chapter 01 ]

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Dedicated to WeAreAHurricane for the cover :D Best boyfriend ever and a pretty damn good writer too :]


Chapter One

I've been called a lot of things in the three short years I've been in high school, but I've only been called a prostitute once, so needless to say, I was a bit shocked to know that the one person who ever called me a prostitute was searching frantically for me.

"What the hell the Adam Flynn want to do with me?" I grumbled as I slammed my locker.

Nicole shrugged. "I don't know. That's all I've heard so far."

I felt like kicking someone's shins. Hard. "Well tell whoever told you to tell Adam that he can suck it."

To say that I strongly disliked Adam Flynn was a bit of an understatement. I'll admit. I'm a bit of a whore, not because I sleep around, but because I've gone out with almost every guy in our school, but going as far as calling me a prostitute was very uncalled for. It wasn't like Adam is a perfect angel either; he's fucked almost every girl in this school.

Shaking my head, I started walking to my next class. I decided to ignore Nicole's warning. I've never talked to Adam in person, and I don't see him all day. If what I've heard about his idiocy is true, he'll never be able to find me. I doubt he even knows what my face looks like.

I made it to AP Physics without any sign of Adam and his ever-present varsity jacket. Relaxing, I rolled back my shoulders and walked calmly to my seat. There was no reason to worry.

I was just fishing out my homework from my bag when Jamie came up to me and slammed his hands down on the lab bench. "Did you hear?"

"Adam Flynn is frantically looking for me. I've been told," I finished nonchalantly. I looked up at Jamie. He looked all too excited that his hopeless romantic of a friend has captured the attention of the star jock. "I'm not interested in whatever proposition Adam has for me," I stated firmly.

"Why not?" Jamie looked scandalized, to say the least.

I rolled my eyes. "He called me a prostitute, remember?"

"Char, that was once. And it was like freshman year," Jamie pleaded.

"Wow, Jamie. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were taking Adam's side," I deadpanned.

But of course Jamie would take Adam's side. Jamie, like the good little gay boy he was, had a complete and utter infatuation with Adam Flynn. It wasn't that I couldn't understand Jamie's obsession with Adam. Adam was charmingly good looking, and he was the classically cliché high school footballer that every girl wanted. Or maybe it was the fact that he was so completely unattainable made him all the more desirable.

And that was the very reason why I wouldn't even attempt cracking Adam. I don't consider myself a whore for the simple reason that all I ever wanted was a super sweet, cliché relationship. Considering the fact that Adam has never been able to hold a girlfriend for longer than a month, the chances of finding something hopeful in Adam were next to nothing.

"At least give him a chance," Jamie persisted.

"If you're so into him, why don't you date him yourself?" I retorted.

Jamie knew that pushing the topic was going to be absolutely hopeless. Instead, he shot me one last look before taking his seat across the room.

The rest of the day couldn't drag out any longer. Everywhere I turned, someone felt the need to talk to me about Adam. Everything from insulting questions ("Why would Adam want to talk to you?") to gushing squeals ("You're so lucky!") were thrown at me one after another. By the time I was ready for track practice, I felt like I was stripped to the core with my soul bared to the world.

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