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Laksh smiled at Ragini, who was peacefully sleeping on his chest, after a long night filled with ideas and discussions of the unpleasant topic - Tanya and Karthik -.

Ragini felt the heat of the sun rays on her face, the lighting was disturbing her peaceful sleep, till Laksh covered her face, by enclosing her to his chest. My wife needs energy to fight with me, a peaceful sleep is the least I can give you for now. He caressed her head and kissed her forehead.

I wonder what had happened with their parents?

Kavya was roaming around the place, the ruins of her past life. This miserable place once was a heaven for us, but the Maheshwari family sabotage us, they didn't invested as they had told us and got us bankrupt.

"Di I hate this place, for how long we have to come back? There isn't a single place to live."
Karthik kicked an old stone into the destroyed house, a small echo was to hear but it hall out loud enough to scare the pigeons away.

"Damn, Adarsh Bhaiya you were right, this is their hideout. Great we went in last night to instal the devices. But I think the voice is too low, can't we increase it?" Omi asked while Karan and Kabir were watching the ongoing arguing of the siblings.

Adarsh frowns at him, "the reason why you can't hear anything is because these two are thinking we are watching a thriller movie or something. Can you both stop eating!"

Karan and Kabir startled, "sorry," the crumpled the chip bag and put it aside.

Gosh this man gives me more shiver than Laksh ever did, I mean I teased Lakshya, but this man has another aura.

"Karthik do you know why I always return here?"

Karthik rolls his eyes in disinterest about her story, "oh please, share your thoughts with me..." his sarcasm always lead him to pain.


Kavya was holding his back head, "are you stupid or why are you trying to misbehave with me?"

Karthik tried to free himself, but the more he struggled the harder her grip become, "stop it you idiot or else you will suffer a similar pain like our father did, you remember, right?"

The eyes of Karthik popped out in fear, "sorry. I won't repeat the mistake. Please let go of me."

The Quattro looked tensed, "what she did to her father?"

Kabir gulped, he was scared to asked but he couldn't hold it back, "Adarsh Bhaiya, did you know?"

Adarsh made a fist, his eyes become small and the brows narrowed, "I heard that she burned the house including her father, as he failed to protect them, she blames us and her father of the misfortune in her life. She has a psychological problem, but can't deal with it. She never looks at herself and finds a way to blame others."

"Hold on!" Omi and Karan said in Union, "we didn't just entered a ruin, we entere a grave?"

Adarsh nodded, "seems like we did, the news must be true."

"How did you found out?" Omi looked at him with interest. Man I underestimated him, he found out more than we could.

"Uhm to be honest, I was scared about Pari and our unborn child. I felt like it's my duty to protect them by myself at any costs, even I had promised Laksh not to interfere, but I'm the older one. How could I let him handle it alone with..." he pointed on the trio.

"I called my brother-in-laws who had been working in oversea, they are all unknown to Kavya and Karthik, it was easy to gain some information through them. After that I got some information about their status and business, it's true they helped Sanskaar the last five years with Karma. I was surprised how they could manage it so far, you know what I got to know."

The trio shock their heads, "no, what?"

"Kavya blamed her mother for the arson attack."

"WHAT!" A shout echoed, they turned and saw RagLak standing there in disbelief.

"She blamed her mother, how cruel can she be?" They both looked at each other, "we aren't that cruel, right?" "Nope we never blamed others for the crime we did! Well we didn't admit it in first place, yet we didn't blamed anyone." "Haan!"

"Bhai, what happened to her mother?" Laksh was holding Ragini's hand tightly.

"She send her mother to a mental house instead of jail. She perfectly made up a story in her young age, thinking of it makes clear that she isn't stupid at all. She is impulsive and manipulative, a narcissist who doesn't want to be dependent on anyone. Unfortunately or Fortunately she is working with her brother, but he is only with her because of their mother. Kavya is holding the custody."

They couldn't believe it, "she isn't an easy person as I thought before." Laksh said more to himself than to the others.

"That is why I asked you to stay out of it, now we can hear and see what she might be planning. She had prepared her revenge over years. It won't be easy for us to take her down, we have to go through it logically but also unexpectedly. We need to do something she would never expect us to do."

Ragini sighs, "I have an idea..., but I know you won't be happy about it."

Laksh shrugged as he knew what she would say, "Ragini I can't trust them."

"Don't trust them. Just consider it once. Whatever we do, we are in the same boat. Swara or Sanskaar both don't know who she is, but if they find out, they might help us."

"Or betray us..."

"Then what should we do?"

"Ragini we will buy Karma, this is our first step. They don't know that it is us, on top we know what they will be planning as we can see and hear them. I have faith on us, also I promise to take a step back. No impulsive decisions, okay?"

Ragini nodded, "Okay. I trust you and them. I'm in!"

Finally done
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