The karma (✔️)

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Laksh was trying to sleep, but there was something bothering him. He was moving from one side to the other side of the bed, just then Ragini looked at him.

"Laksh what happen?"

Her voice was calming him, he turns to her and looks into her drowning eyes, "I can't sleep. Make me sleep."

He comes closer with a mischievous smile, but Ragini stopped him there, "no way, tell me. What is bothering you? You very well know, I can feel it, when there is something wrong with you."

Ragini has put a pout on her face, she was looking at him and waiting for the answer, she doesn't want secrets neither wants she that he would fight alone. They are a team.

Laksh tried to avoid it, but he gave up as her gaze was fixed on him, "okay." He was ready to tell her.

Ragini smiles, she rested her head on her hand looking at him deeply, "I'm waiting." She said cutely and he smiled at her.

Laksh too rested his head on his hand and looked at her deeply, "there is a company, Karma." He took a small break and Ragini was confused.

"Laksh is there a rivalry between our company and Karma?" She was confused as his words weren't conclusive for her.

Laksh took a deep breath, "the company Karma belongs to Sanskaar. I was always wondering, how he could survive over the years without financial support, well there is an unknown woman, who supports him. He has build up the company under the name Karma Ltd. my problem is, his knowledge about our clients and upcoming works." Laksh was tensed, "but?" He said looking into her eyes.

Ragini was confused, he was so close and his hot breath was stroking her face, she was lost in his eyes and rested her forehead on his chest, "but?" She repeated him to get a proper answer. She knows he is doing it initially to get her close to him. She placed her hands around his back and hugged him tight, "say." She demanded and he took her in a tight hug.

"Well he is selling shares of his company, my friend is a share holder and correctly we are holding the bigger share."

Ragini widen her eyes, she looked up at him, "what that means we are the owner of Karma?" She was looking at him and he wasn't sure how to explain his idea, his friend told him about the risk as it's very fishy.

"Yes, we are in a short way the owner, but that is not what we want to be." He was trying to summarise his confused thoughts.

"Karma is selling theirs shares like they don't want to keep it. Now I'm holding a huge share with my friend and we decided to sell them with low rates, before they sell more as we think they are facing a big loss. If we sell the shares on time, before someone get to know about it, then we can cover up most of the investments, but still we will have to face a loss." He had made a fist and his soft look turned into a stern look.

Ragini kissed his jawline, "Laksh do what you think is correct. If your friend is trustworthy then do as he said. There is no need to cover the loss, we have to ruin them before they try to ruin us." She said determined, there was the cunning Ragini, who had done everything to get him.

"Then tell me, how should we go further with this? My friend said, sell in low rates." Laksh made her sit on his stomach, "if we do that, we will sell the shares faster, but with lost. We might got caught from someone."

Ragini was thinking, "if we get caught will it be harmful for us?" She was thinking the way he was, "I'm not sure. As long as people don't see the connection between us we are safe."

Ragini smiles, "great. Your friend told you na. There is no connection between us then?" She was leaning over his face and kisses his lips.

Laksh smiles, "yes, but he will face a loss. I don't want him to face a loss!" Laksh had placed his hands behind his head.

Ragini could understand him, over the months she is spending the time with him, she had learnt that his friends are very important for him. He can't see them in problem or tension especially not, when they actually are helping him. She remembered Kabir, how Laksh took him into MM as someone attacked him and he wasn't involved into anything.

"Laksh let him sell it in low rates." Ragini was looking into his eyes, "you know I have an idea how you can make it easier for him to recover the money." She smiles and he looks interested to her.

"Ragini I need that idea, give it me." Laksh said and Ragini smiles victoriously, "KARMA BABY KARMA!"

Laksh didn't understood it, "what?" He said and sat on the bed holding her tight, that she won't get hurt.

"What you mean by Karma baby Karma?"

Ragini rubs her hands, "first tell me, what will I get if my plan succeeded?" She placed her hands on his shoulders and stroking his neck with the fingers.

"Gosh! Ragini I wish we could repeat it, but I guess we can't. Even I had biology in my school."

Ragini hits him, "I'm not talking about this!" She fumes and starts to strangle him, "I'm talking about a gift or vacation." She was strong enough to push him that he hit with his back on the bed head.

"Ahh Ragini. I will get a massage from you." He was holding his paining back, "Laksh!" She moans and he smiles.

"Okay you have a wish free! If your plan turns out to be successful I will fulfil any request of your wish! But only one wish you have free so choose wisely!"

Ragini was happy with it, "done!" She kissed his cheek and continued with his face, she came near his ear, there was only whisper to hear.

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