Rare time

173 22 2

Laksh wasn't sure what to say, but the moment Ragini was facing him, she placed her hands around his neck and rested her head on his chest, she was inhaling him, "someone took a shower?"

Laksh shook his head, "no, it was a bath."

Ragini pouted cutely, "not fair, I was waiting for it to happen," she turned away from him.

Laksh didn't understood her behaviour first but then, "oh damn, but you know I can't take another nap and when I wake up you can have a shower or bath with me?"

Ragini turned angrily to him, "have you gone mad? Why would I let you sleep again, that too without me!!"

Laksh smirked, "who said I'm gonna sleep without you," he pulls her close causing a blush on her face, "right, no one said that."

"By the way," Laksh interrupted her, "where are the others? I mean I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find anyone."

A loud sigh, "every time you worry about other's."

He widen his eyes by her comment.

"You know Laksh, take a chill pill. Your family..."

Laksh placed his hand on her mount to stop her talking further, "mine? I thought it's our family. My, my personal family is YOU."

He removed his hand a placed his lips on hers and sealed them long enough to make it hard for her to breath, soon they broke the kiss and She gave him a shy smile.

"Adarsh Bhaiya has taken them to Pari Bhabhi, you know she was missing them a lot and soon the delivery will take place. Mummy ji wanted to be there for her as well as Bua, she was so excited to see a new family member that Papa ji couldn't hide his own excitement. It's a win win for everyone, you see."

Laksh nodded, "you are right, even for us." He hold her close, "I know I should let go off more but it's not that easy. But I know I can depend on you all..." both looked at each other as the stomach of Laksh started to growl.

"How about some food?" Ragini asked him, while walking inside the house with him. She made him sit on the dining table and came with the prepared food.

"All my favourite, Ragini don't tell me you were eating all this without me?"

Ragini shook her head, "why would I? I just prepared today for you, I had a feeling that you will wake up." She served him, "I have something for you; something special."

He smirked, "oh really?"

Ragini vanished into the kitchen, I know he will love it. I have made Rasgulle only for him.

She placed the bowl behind her back, gonna surprise him.

Ragini looked around and was surprised, "Laksh? Where is he?" She asked herself.
Still having the bowl behind her back, she walked upstairs, Laksh was on the phone, he was talking to his stuff member. I guess office comes first. It's okay.

Laksh ended the call and looked at her, he could see the disappointment on her face, looks like my wife can judge the situation perfectly. But even I'm Lakshya Maheshwari. I will surprise her.

"Ragini I have to get ready there are some important meetings I have to attend, can you please get ready. I will give you 10 minutes." He said to her leaving the room.

"Huh?" Ragini was confused, but also happy, a small jump and the syrup was on her back, "yuck!"

Laksh heard it, he rushed back, "what happened?" As she was back facing him, he saw it all. He suppressed his laugh, "thank you," he took the bowl with the Rasgulle, "30 minutes, but not longer." And left the room.

Ragini immediately turned red in embarrassment, damn it. She took her time, approximately 40 min and came downstairs, she saw him on his mobile phone, checking his mails. Ragini you have to behave, also be a helping hand for him.

"Sir, I'm ready." She was standing behind him, while he finished the last Rasgulla, he found the rest in the fridge, not leaving anything behind.

Both left to the office.

Laksh hold her hand while entering the building, "Ragini you haven't been here often, right?"

She nodded to his statement, in a short period Laksh introduced her to the main staff and let her sit on his chair, "I will be back soon, but this meeting is very important I had to attend it in person."

Ragini smiled, "they are waiting go."

Laksh left and Ragini stayed in his cabin, the assistant came in often to ask Ragini, "would you like to have anything?"

Ragini decline it, "I'm waiting for him, don't stress yourself," looking at his assistant with a soft smile.

It took him three hours, but he was finally out, back in his cabin he found his wife resting on his couch, the food placed on the couch table, Laksh you gave to be more careful. How could you let her wait for so long?

Ragini soared.

Laksh had to smile, oh my miss perfect isn't that always perfect. How much I love her. He placed his hand on her cheek, "hey pretty lady wake up..." a kiss on her lips and she opened her eyes, "I'm a princess, a sleeping beauty."

Laksh nodded to, "okay but you soaring too."

Her eyes almost popped out, "what?!"

Laksh laughed loud, "don't worry it was too cute. I love it."

Ragini blushed, "let's have some food."

They ate, after finishing the last file they returned home.

"Ragini?" She was laying next to him.


"Are you awake?"


"If you wont answer me, I will attack you..."

She remained silent.

Laksh looked at her, and was surprised to see his wife looking at him. Damn asking but not looking, she caught me with my guards down.

Ragini pulled him close, "I don't think you gonna attack, let me do it..."


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