What is love?

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What is it?
No one can define it, it's something so great, only God could design it.
Yes, love is beyond, what man can define, for love is immortal,
And Gods gift is divine.
Define not, but describe we can.
Love is a unconditional commitment
To an imperfect person.
To love somebody
Isn't just..
A strong feeling.
It is..
A decision,
A judgement,
And a promise.
Love is a divine gift, that comes with hurt.
Because love is like a rubber band held at both ends by two people.
When one lets go, it hurts the other.
Mother Theresa said,
' I have found the paradox
That if you love
Until it hurts,
Thee can be
No more hurt,
Only more love.'

Keli ❤️

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