Dont Be Intimidated

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Dedicated to all those who are sport players, or have business arch-nemesis's.


It's okay if some better player beats you.
Just don't let it beat yourself.

You need to play it your own way.

Don't be intimidated.

I dare you to give it a try.

Go to the opposition

Act confidant, look at them in the eye, and tel them that you're going to be ready.

'Cause all you need to do is to STAND STRONG.

Let the other player think for themselves. Let the doubts sink in for them.

But you,

You be mentally strong.

Don't be worried about the game,

Instead look forward to it.

Play your own game, play it your own way.

(as long as you don't break the rules of the game!)

Turn the tables against them.

Keep close, and steady.

Don't look over your shoulder.


Go get them.



Well, and was just a prep talk from Yours Truly.

Do you play any sports? or have any arch-nemesises?

What prep talk does your coach, or you give yourself?

Still here, keli ;}

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